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"Merry Christmas baby" Malik said as he kissed my lips. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I was still hella upset about what happened but once I told him about the baby we both agreed to try and work shit out.

"Merry Christmas. And Merry Christmas to you too little one" I said to my stomach and smiled before rubbing it. Malik smiled too.

"You think we'll make good parents?" he asked me.

"Yeah. And if not we always got our parents to help us out"

"True, true. Oh I almost forgot. Ronnie got some of his boys to handle that situation for ya"

"What situation?"

"Kelsey and CJ"

"Oh yeah? What'd they do to 'em?" I asked standing up and putting on a large t-shirt.

"I heard they blew 'em up but shit I don't know for sure"

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Despite all the bullshit we went through, and all the bullshit we might go through in the future, I want you to know that ima always love you, ma" he said kissing my temple.

"And you know ima always love you too"












I was currently at the doctor with Nah'Riyah cause she hadn't been feeling good for the past few days. We were waiting for the doctor to come back with test results and Nah'Riyah was freaking out.

"What if there's something seriously wrong with me? Like life threatening"

"Girl, don't worry. I'm sure your dramatic ass is fine" I said and she laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

The doctor came back in with her clipboard.

"Alright Ms. Victor, I have your results but first I need to ask you a few questions"

"Okay" she said reluctantly.

"Are you sexually active?" the doctor asked and Nah'Riyah's cheeks flushed.


"Have you been having unprotected sex?"

"Only twice" she said and I looked at her because we had only had unprotected sex once.

The doctor wrote something on her clipboard before sitting it down.

"Well Ms. Victor I am happy to tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You and your baby are perfectly healthy" she said smiling.

"Baby?" we said simultaneously.

"Uh, yes six and half weeks to be exact. You weren't aware?" 

"Of course not" Nah'Riyah said and the doctor shrugged.

"Well there are a few options that we could talk about if you don't want your baby. You still have time to terminate your pregnancy if that is what you'd like or you could give the baby up for adoption"

"Of course we're keeping it. It's just surprising is all" I said and the doctor smiled. 

"Alrighty then. Here is your prescription for your vitamins" she said handing a paper to Nah'Riyah. "I'll see you again in two weeks" she smiled and we nodded and walked out of the office.

Baby Girl (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now