Chapter 8: Help

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"Leonard?"  Sara looks surprised to see him back already.  "Is everything alright?"  He looks at Sara staying silent a few minutes taking a deep breath before he speaks.  "I'm not exactly sure.  I don't know what is going on."  She narrows her eyes looking at him worried.  "What do you mean?"  He shook his head slightly.  "You and I...."  He said quietly.  Sara swallowed unable to speak a few minutes.  She wasn't sure what he was getting at.  "What about us."  Did he finally remember?  She thought not wanting to get her hopes up.

Leonard slowly stepped a little closer to her, surprising her a little more by his actions.  "We were together?"  Sara bit her lip, suddenly feeling quite nervous. "Well..  We..."  Leonard raises his eye slightly waiting for her to continue.  She cleared her throat a little.  "Not exactly.  I mean.  We went from enemies to coming to be able to tolerate one another to.  I mean..  I guess I thought we were starting to become friends anyways."  She began to ramble.  Leonard rolled his eyes.  "It's a simple question.  Answer the question Lance."  This causes him to get a glare from Sara.  "How the hell would I know Snart?  You're not exactly an open book!"  She shook her head.  "Yes.  I thought I had suspicions of what we thought of one another.  And then."  She began to feel her bloodlust surface thinking of that memory.

As her bloodlust began to surface, Sara did her best to calm down.  Seeing Leonard there was keeping her from completely going off the rails and wanting to kill.  "And then what?"  He asked.  She flung her eyes open and gave him another glare.  "Why do you care?  It wouldn't matter to you either way."  She snapped.  She hadn't really meant to.  She knew he was just trying to get his memories back.  She could feel tears threatening to fall.  She went to turn slightly so Leonard wasn't watching her but she felt the tears fall down her face before she could get away from him.

Leonard suddenly felt uncomfortable.  He wasn't exactly sure what to do.  If he should leave her or try and comfort her.  Suddenly, Sara stormed off and began to cause a little havoc to the room, in a matter of seconds it looked like a tornado had gone through Star labs.  Seeing her starting to get a little out of control suddenly seemed to retrigger something in him.  He quickly rushed over to Sara and grabbed her arm to keep her from ruining anything else that might be important to the lab.  She struggled from his grip at first but after awhile she rested her head against his chest, wrapping her arms around him as he wrapped his arms around her to hug her first.  As she felt his arms around her, her breathing settled and she became more calm.  She closed her eyes staying there for a long time, feeling safer and more in control.

"I..  I'm sorry.  I'm...  Just trying to figure things out."  He said quietly not wanting to trigger anything again.  She nodded against him keeping her eyes closed.  "I know..."  She whispered.

"What the hell happened here?"  Cisco growled a little.  Leonard and Sara had tried picking up most of the papers and objects Sara had swiped off the tables before anyone returned.  Leonard cleared his throat a little.  "Someone came to the lab and we had to make an attack."  Cisco raised his eye looking at them worried.  "What?  Who?  Where did they go?"  Cisco asked quickly heading towards the computer to put in a search.  Leonard rolled his eyes.  "Cisco..  You don't need to do that.  It wasn't a meta-human it was me."  Sara said slowly.  Cisco looked at her wide eyed.  "You really should be more careful when you have one of your outbursts.  Do you know how long it takes for me to make these gadgets!  Do you realize how much these instruments cost!"   Leonard glared at Cisco.  Sara took a few deep breaths to keep herself calmed and not want to lunge towards Cisco.  "I'm sorry."  She muttered.  "It's just.."  She looked ready to let more tears fall again.  "I need some fresh air."  Her voice cracked and Cisco sighed as she brushed past him to walk out of the lab.  "Real smooth kid."  Leonard growled at Cisco making him back away a little.  Leonard stomped out of the lab room and followed Sara outside.

He stayed at a distant watching as Sara leaned back against one of the trees.  She glanced around her surroundings for awhile before she buried her face in her hands.  She couldn't do this.  She needed Laurel.  But she was no longer there.  She needed Snart.  But he might as well have..  She shook her head not wanting to finish that thought.  No.  She couldn't think like that.  She was glad he was alive.  She needed him alive to keep herself sane.  Caitlin was right they would find a way to bring Leonard's memories back.  They would find a way to kill Dahrk and they would find a way to kill Savage.

Sara jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder.  "Hey.."  She sighed seeing that it was Leonard.  "It's going to be fine I promise.  And...  I am trying.  I really am."  He said quietly.  "I want to remember.  I just can't.."  Sara looked at him staying quiet a few minutes.  "I know you are."  She whispered back.  She reached for his hand giving it a small squeeze.  "And I am going to help you. We will figure this out."  Leonard nodded.  "It's like I remember.  But every time I do, the memory fades like it gets blocked or something."  He shook his head.  "I can't describe it..  I want to help you.."  Sara looked at him shocked then smiled a little.

"You're the one who has the most damage.  With the memory loss and you want to help me?"  Cold smiled back a little.  She thought it was the first genuine smile from him she'd seen.  She had never seen him smile before.  "You are in danger Sara.  I don't know what they want.  But Savage and Dahrk want you.  I can't let you get hurt.  I won't."  She felt him slowly wrap his arms around her and she felt even calmer just at his touch.  She wasn't sure exactly what it was. But her bloodlust weakened when she was near him.  Maybe it had to do with the coolness of his body temperature or just the simple fact she felt safer with him. 

"Perhaps we can help each other then."  She said quietly looking up at him as she slowly wrapped her arms around him in return.  "You already have my word that I will help you get your memory back.  I will do whatever it takes."  He swallowed hearing those words.  "I can't have you risk your life just to save me."  "I will be fine."  She smiled.  "We both will be.  I promise."  She whispered. Leonard narrowed his eyes looking at her with a worried expression.  He wasn't sure what plan she had in mind.  But whatever her idea was, he was most certain he wasn't going to like it.

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