Chapter 11: Trapped

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"Oliver Queen...  Sara Lance.."  Dahrk smirked looking back and forth between the two once they had gotten to Dahrk's hideout.  Sara shivered as she heard Dahrk speak her name.  Dahrk extended his hand and made it so Sara glided towards him unwillingly.  "I have waited for this moment a very long time."  He smirked.  Sara gritted her teeth as she felt Dahrk's magic working on her and felt herself being pulled towards him. 

Leonard, not liking the idea of Sara going after Dahrk, decided that he should go after her.  Unfortunately, Sara hadn't told him the coordinates so Leonard was going to have to figure out where he was.  As Leonard opened the door and stepped out of Sara's apartment building, he spotted a familiar figure standing not too far away from him.  His heart pounded fast.  "Savage.."  He whispered.  At first he thought it was another one of his hallucinations.

Savage smirked a little.  "I thought I told you not to let things such as that silly girl to get in your way of your job..  And now..  She is paying the consequences.."  Leonard cringed at Savage's comment.  He quickly took the few strides forward and grabbed a hold of Vandal's shirt collar.  "Stay away from her!"  He hissed.  Savage looked at the man with a smirk.  "I am afraid that it is too late."  Leonard glared at Savage taking a deep breath.  "What do you mean?"  He was afraid to hear the answer.

"Sara!"  Oliver yelled struggling from Dahrk's magical hold on him.  You want to kill me?  Do it."  Sara hissed looking at him.  She had stopped struggling along time ago.  "No!  Dont!"  Oliver yelled.  Dahrk stared at her in disbelief.  She was giving up this easily?  Perhaps Savage was wrong about her.  "Giving up so easily?  I am quite disappointed in you."  He smirked tightening his grip around her throat.  Sara took some deep breaths in an attempt to gasp for air.  "Well.  This isn't going to be much fun to kill you.  Your sister was very brave.  She at least put up a fight."  Sara glared at him.  She was turning more pale as Dahrk's grip held on her throat. 

"You know.  I can see why you liked her Snart.  She was a feisty one.  She put up a good fight."  Savage stated.  "I was hoping she would join my crusade and I thought she would be a good edition to my team.  But she fought hard.  It is too bad I had to kill her.."  Savage said looking at the man in front of him waiting for his reaction.  Leonard glared at him giving a half smirk.  "She would rather die than join you."  He spat.  Savage smirked back.  "It is exactly what she saw to.."  Leonard closed his eyes his heart pounding fast.  He should have gone with Sara.  He could have stopped them.  He should have helped protect her. 

"Your battle is with me!"  Oliver growled as he watched Sara stop struggling as she was losing air.  Dahrk turned his head slightly to see he had stopped struggling as well from his grip.  Suddenly Dahrk threw Sara hard with a blast of his magic.  She was sent flying backwards and crashed hard against the wall before landing on the floor with a thump.  Dahrk laughed at Oliver's horrid expression and pulled him closer to him.  "I have a better idea.  You can watch him die..."  Sara quickly pulled her head up but her vision was blurred as she took deep breaths to gasp for more air.  "No!"  She closed her eyes.  "I'm not as easy to kill Dahrk."  Oliver spat at him.  He laughed.  "You tried killing me plenty of times before Oliver.  Yet you have failed to do so.  That is your weakness.  No matter what your enemies do to you. You claim you're a changed man.  And you won't kill.  That is your mistake right there.  You have had plenty of times to kill me.  Yet you wasted them.  And now.  I am going to kill you.."

"You wouldn't of been in this situation if you would have just listened to me from the beginning. Instead you got sidetracked with that pretty blonde."  Leonard struggled from his grip.  Savage had his arm wrapped around him in a chokehold position.  "Don't mention her!"  He growled.  "I will let you go..."  Savage said feeling Leonard struggle against his weight.  "But you need to do something for me first.  And what else have you got to lose right?  When you've already lost the girl.  You just don't want to believe it."  Leonard closed his eyes.  She couldn't be dead.  She just couldn't.  This had to be one of Savage's traps.

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