Chapter 10

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Anger built inside me as I began driving to the restraint. I do not give a fuck if she isn’t my girl blah blah, I was going to win her over. Not fucking Luke. What did she see in him anyways .I slammed my hands against the stupid stearing wheel. I always get what I want. Fuck I’m Calum Hood for god’s sake. (A/N: I know Calum sounds like a spoilt child :L). I quickly made my way into the restraint as I spotted there table. He seemed to be making an impression on her. Well not for fucking long.

“Luke.” I yelled as I stormed over to their table. All eyes had glanced over to us as Luke stood greeting me.

“Hello Calum.”

“Don’t even try me you smug cunt.” Kaz had gotten on her feet as she stood between us.

“Calum please, this isn’t the time nor the place.” Kaz looked up at me desperately.

“Shut up!” I growled as she stumbled back Luke holding her up.

“Don’t fucking touch her Luke .” His head shot up at me, I could see anger in his eyes. Yeah that’s what I thought. If I get him anger enough he will attack me then she will see who the better guy is. She had too.  

“CALUM WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.” He screamed as she collapse into his arms.

“MORE LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LUKE SHE IS MY GIRL NOT YOUR’S!” By now we had earned the attention of every person in the room. I could not care less until she would come home with me. I would win her heart not this prick.

“God you’re a fucking ass Calum. Neither of us own her.” I couldn’t think straight as I pushed her out of his arms as I punched him straight in the nose. He didn’t retaliate he looked down at the small girl whimpering on the ground. Blood. There was fucking blood everywhere. I felt myself being dragged backwards as Luke lifted her in his arms. Begging someone to call an ambulance. I hadn’t even noticed that the floor was stone. God this wasn’t my fault it was fucking his. She had to see it. I tried to fight the arms pulling me back as I watched Tiana run straight to Luke and Kaz.

“Get the fuck off me.” I screamed as they pulled me out of the restraunt.

“Calum shut the fuck up. Do you see what you just did? SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Ashton screamed as he walked inside leaving me with Michael and his date.

“What do you want.” I snarled at the girl who was staring at me. Michaels face grew in anger but before he could say anything she did.

“God you are annoying cunt aren’t ya.” Montana spoke as she meet my glare. She was getting on my nerves fuck man.

“What you staring at then.” I growled as she smirked at me.

“Im staring at some fucker who actually hits girl.” She held out a mirror as she directed it so I could see myself. “Now you’re staring at the same fucker.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” I could hear the ambulance siren coming closer as she stared deeply at me.

“Just shut the fuck up Calum we are only trying to help you now get in the fucking car.” Michael snarled as he shoved me towards the car.


After screaming at Calum I hurried into the restraunt to find Tiana sobbing as Luke held Kaz, the people working had done some stuff to help her. I quickly wrapped my arms around Tiana as we swayed softly. I quickly whispered into her ear.

“It’s going to be okay baby.” She continued to sob into my shoulder as I held her tighter. I can’t fucking believe Calum right now, what was his problem! He fucking could kill this girl. He needs some sort of help this was not fucking healthy. It was like his demons had come out and had taken over what use to be sweet caring Calum. The ambulance arrived as Tiana pried her face away from my shoulder watching them stroll Kaz inside. Luke following behind the stroller with an ice bag to his nose.

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