Chapter 32

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*Many years later because I'm a lazy mother trucker*

I guess you could say everything turned out for the best. I was engaged to the love of my life Tiana. Kaz and Luke are still the old married couple at heart. And the band is still together well kind of we had to grow up and become "men". Michael and Calum are closer than ever. Calum and Montana didn't work out to well but Calum and Michael are with girls who are very lovely. Calum and Jodie and Michael and Lylla. Everything just seemed to work out.

"Baby." I could heard Tiana yelling for me as I stepped out of the room in my full suit.

"You look so handsome Ashy." I couldn't help but smile. It's been so long yet she still gives me these weird feelings in my stomach.

"Is Luke ready?" I ask quickly as I go over my outfit one more time. I turned to look at my fiancé. Her long red curvy dress was so sexy and sophisticated.

"Yeah" She grinned at me as she placed the driving hat on my head.

I sat in my driving seat as I waited for Tiana and Kaz. I laughed when I saw the little girl clutched on to Tiana's arm for dear life as she was blindfolded. Quickly placing her in the back seat as Tiana made her way next to me.

"To your destination me lady." I spoke in a funny accent as Tiana giggled. Kaz continued to bombard us with questions.

"Tiana where are we going?

Tiana who is driving?

Ashton is that you?

Where is Luke?

Someone fucking tell me where we are going?"

I didn't think she would ever stop until I slammed on my brakes pulling up in front of the restraunt. Tiana quickly escorted her out of the car as I smiled at the beautiful girl. Luke was as nervous as I was when I had asked Tiana. I mean I asked her quite early on I am so lucky to have her and I just don't wasn't anyone else to have her. So I had to put a ring on it, I know Luke feels the same way.


I was nervous as fuck as I set everything in place. What if she says no? I couldn't deal with the rejection from the girl I love. Tiana was leading her in as Ashton, Calum and Michael set up their instruments. I had her parents and sister sitting at a table close by as Tiana held her at the door way waiting on my signal. I took a deep breath in as I gave the signal. Beginning to sing as she walked through the doors.

105 is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I want to be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I plan to do

And you know one of these days when I get my money right

Buy you everything and show you all of the finer things in life

We'll forever be in love so there ain't no need to rush

But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

How many girls in the world could make me feel like this?

Baby I don't ever plan to find out

The more I look, the more I find the reasons why

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