Chapter 24

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I groaned as I lazily opened my eye lids. I almost freaked out when I looked around me, looking at the unfamiliar room. Then all the memories of yesterday ran through my thoughts. I know exactly where I am. I might as well go see Calum why is he here anyways. I know he loves me an all but I am I really worth any trouble. If anything I wish I could forget everything, wish I had never meet my idols. But I could never fully loose them, Tiana is my best friend and Ashton is her boyfriend. And me? Yeah well Luke doesn’t love me and I never really want to wake up. But I know I have too. I can’t drain on the fact that he doesn’t love me. I need to keep going. I must keep going. If only it was that simple.

“Morning Calum.” I gave him an awkward smile as I sat next to him, he was fumbling with his phone.

“Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?” He was too sweet. No Kaz you must friend zone him. I need to let them go.

“Okay and you?” I tried to sound emotionless as he looked down on his phone.

“Yeah fine.” He must of my cold shoulder as I looked up at the TV.

“Why are you here Calum?” I tried to seem uninterested in the convosation as I stared blankly at the screen ahead of me.

“I could ask you the same thing.” He bluntly spoke. What the hell was that meant to mean anyways. Ugh I don’t know but he needs to go back to them. I’m done with them I will only contact Michael and Ashton because Tiana. But I can’t deal with the other two anymore. Luke pretending to like me, Calum’s anger its just UGH. I quickly got up as I got to the kitchen Jax’s home phone started to ring. I assumed me and Calum were the only ones in the house.

“Hello?” I answered I could hear the slight annoyance in my own voice.

“Kazandra you stupid nigga oh my god, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU LEFT ME HERE WITH THEM!” Tiana screamed as I heard Ashton yell out behind her.

“Tiana you loser! What do you want?” I tried not to laugh as I waited for her to reply. This is why she was my best friend she pulled me out of my annoyed mood. Causing me to grin as I waited for her come back.

“You know nigga, I could simply just want to talk to you! How rude gosh!” Man did she use the word nigga way too often.

“What do you want hoe?!” I heard an over dramatic gasp as she spoke in her stupid sassy tone.  

“Open the bloody door.” I got confused, why would I want to open the door. I swear if I see a striper I’m going to kill Tiana you can count on it. I opened the door while holding the phone to my ear as I found Ashton holding Tiana bridal style as they both stupidly grin at me. What the hell were they doing here? Didn’t they have to finish recording. Why is Ashton even carrying Tiana omg.

“Well at least say hello gosh.” I just laughed as I punched her shoulder. Ashton continued to carry her through the house as Tiana grinned at me. Both their faces dropped as Calum looked up at the too. Ashton quickly put Tiana down as they stared at each other.

“What are you doing here Calum?” Tiana’s blunt voice asked as he shrugged.

“We need to talk outside mate.” Ashton grabbed Calum as he dragged him out the front door. I sat down on the couch next to Tiana. She gave me some weird ass smile as she faced me.

“Kaz we got to talk.”

“About?” She was being nice and serious it was really scaring me. I mean a day ago, well it was only 4pm NZ time. Wow I slept forever. That I ran away from them all.



My chest hurts and I just don’t want to talk to anyone. I just want them all to leave me alone, honestly.

“Luke hurry up .. please.” Tiana came in as she gave me a pity smile.

“For what?” I asked confused slightly but mostly annoyed. Tiana was an amazing girl but honestly she just reminded me more of her.

“We have a plane to catch, have you not packed at all?” I just shook my head, still confused. She started going through my stuff as she started packing it into a suitcase. She was like our mother, she felt the need to be organized, she hated mess and she always ended up cleaning up after us. She always did stuff like this it seemed to be normal. Like everything had to be on her time. No one really minded though because we were always late and she changed that and made ash the happiest man alive.

“Come on Lukey, we need to go.” She looked up at me as I sighed. I didn’t want to get out of my bed, I shook my head as she sighed.

“Luke you asked for it.” Before I could process her words she threw me over her shoulder and began to drag my suitcase.

“MICHAEL, ASHTON LET’S GO!!” She yelled as she continued to carry me out of the room. Michael came out as he laughed at me drapped over Tiana’s shoulder. Ashton’s reaction was similar as we made our way down the stairs. How could Tiana even carry me so easily, she is a confusing character?

 “Baby why are you carrying Luke but not me.” Ashton whined as he looked up at me.

“Because Luke is sad, and going through a rough time. You are just a baby.” I gave Ashton a grin as he laughed at me.

Once we got in the car I blocked everything out expect for Ashton’s constant whines to Tiana even on the plane. There lovely dovey relationship made most people sick. It was like the honey moon stage never ended. Once we got to New Zealand Ashton sent me and Michael off in a taxi to the hotel, with all the bags. We got in a I crawled into one of the beds as I sighed, trying to forget why we were here.

“Luke?” Michael asked as I looked up at him.

“Come one mate you can’t just stay in bed.” I guess he didn’t understand why should I leave bed.

“I’m not getting up Michael.”

“Luke she won’t want to see you like this.”

“She doesn’t ever want to see me Michael.”

“Don’t say that Luke.”

“Why do you all think she will forgive me? She wont. She hates me.” I wanted to cry as the words left my lips. They were all true and slowly ruining me. I may never see her again. She will never want me again. I ruined it all.

“Luke she loves you.” As Michael spoke I gave him a confused look as he began to speak.


The flash back played in my mind as I remember only days ago what the young girl had said.

“Michael I love him.” She had the biggest grin on her face as she watched Luke and Ashton wrestling on the grass ahead of us.

“I know you do Kaz.”

“What if he doesn’t love me back?” She looked up at me with curious eyes as I laughed slightly.

“You are joking right? He is head over heels for you Kaz.”

I looked back at Luke as he took in the story.

“I love her Michael. God Michael I love her so bad.”

A/N: This update actually sucks I need more drama but now there all in NZ! Will you forgive Luke o0o0o0o0o0 that is all, p;s have you seen the twitcam ¾ nipples woooooooooooah!!

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