Chapter 17

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I woke up in some hospital with many pairs of eyes staring at me. I felt clean for the first time in so long. What none of the boys knew before yesterday was I was addicted. It didn’t take long but boy was it hard to go through the day without a damn pill. It was back in Australia. I had texted Kaz multiple times but she refused to reply. The memory played quickly in my mind as it began to replay in my clear mind.

I had gotten out of the hotel as I walked the dark empty streets of Sydney Australia. It was chilly I regretted not bringing a hoodie of some sort.

“Hey Cal is that you?” An old voice spoke as I looked up at his clear blue eyes. It was Riley. We were friends through school but I had heard he went down the wrong path, straight after he graduated.

“Hey Riley long time no see.” His pupils were noticeably dilated.

“What you up to Cal?”

“Just wondering and you?”

“Uh nothing.” He let out a small sigh as he played with a clear bag.

“What’s in there?” Curiosity took over as I glared at the bag.

“Just some pills. Do you want them? I need to stop.”

“Uh yeah sure.”

What a stupid mistake that was, look where I was. I had defiantly lost the girl I thought I liked. I had lost both Ash and Luke and Michael was stuck to look after the anger that was left of me due to the drugs. My brain went over the events that had happened the night before as I looked up at Tiana’s glaring eyes. God how the hell was she still just staring at me, I could see the purple that covered parts of her nose. Ashton had every right to beat the living shit out of me, I would have killed me if Tiana was my girlfriend. I was so disgusted in myself for how I have acted towards everyone.

“Goodmorning Calum” Tiana sung as Ashton wrapped his arms around her protectively. I can see why though I had really hurt her but the look on her face told me different. Like she understood as she moved closer to me. Her eyes had locked with mine as she dragged Ashton with her.

“Tiana?” I asked curiously as she bent down next to my bed. All their eyes stared at her curiouslyat her actions.

“How do my boobs look?” She asked as Ashton’s face grew straight into shock.

“God Tiana I’m not looking there, you are Ashton’s.” She had a play full smirk on her face as she grabbed Ashton as she gripped tightly on to him.

“There’s the old Calum.” Everyone’s faces grew into smiles as Ashton took her tightly into his arms. We all finally understood what she was doing.

“You scared me baby.” Ashton spoke as he let out a small laugh.

“Cal.” Luke’s voice was shaky as he spoke. I watched as Kaz glanced at him. It was the look in her eye which showed I had lost. Or maybe I was never in the running.

“Yeah Luke?” I smiled as I realised the way Luke looked at her.

“You have to go to rehab..” His words didn’t shock me. In fact they excited me because I wanted to go. I wanted to get rid of the urge that I was fighting with in me. I hated relying on those pills to get me through a day. I hated how I was. I hated it all.

“Thank god.” Was all I could muttered as I smiled at him and Kaz.


The doctors said we couldn’t have any contact with Calum while he was in the clinic. The way Calum smiled as they told him where he was going made everyone smile. He was finally going to get help. Maybe then everything could go a tiny bit normally. We had been in the apartment for about an hour now and there wasn’t much to do. I laughed as I watched my boyfriend take endless selfies as I rose on to my feet.

“Want some milk?” His face lit up as he caught my glance.

“Let’s go to the dairy, I want to go for a walk.” He nodded as he stood on his feet, we quickly asked anyone else if they wanted anything before we were on our way.

We were at the park. I dangled my legs as I watched Ashton sip on the milk we brought previously.

“Tiana?” Ashton asked as he stood in front of my swing.

“Yeah Ash?” His stare gave me an uneasy feeling as if he was going to dump me, or tell me this was some sort of joke. To make me fall in love with him, spending countless nights talking about almost anything and everything. About how easy it was to trust him, to bring down the walls I had built for so long. We were moving so fast and he could let me fall so easily.

“I love you.” The words came out of his mouth quickly as his face went pink with embarrassment. Before I could help myself I tackled him on to the grass as I attacked his face with kisses, he had spilt the milk.

“I love you Ashton.” I spoke as I stared deeply into his eyes. His smile seemed to grow from ear to ear as he held me tightly.

We had spent hours just laying here talking, talking about why the clouds weren’t always in the sky. Or trying to figure out why they were shaped to make us believe they were like things we saw down here. We talk about things that didn’t matter because we were happy. My hand was intertwined with his as he smiled at me.

“When do you go back to Australia?” My heart sank knowing he had to leave me, maybe find someone so much better.

“In a week.” I simply sighed in reply as I looked back up at the sky.


“Yeah Ashton?”

“Move in me?” The smile returned on my face as I rolled my body on to his nodding like mad as he chuckled. I get it we are moving so fast but it was like if I didn’t have him I couldn’t breathe. Like I couldn’t live without him.

A/N: Here’s your short, song less update. You are welcome :L So yeah Idk its kind happy and it may be like that next chapter as well. But trust me I’ve got more up my sleeves ;--)

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