Chapter 19

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We’ve been in Australia for at least 3 weeks now. And I can honestly say it’s been the best time of my life, I’m sharing an apartment with Tiana an Ashton because me and Luke don’t want to move to fast. But it was Luke lived here as well. I ducked my head under Luke’s chin as he and Michael continued to play GTA.

“LUKE!” Tiana screamed making all our heads turn expect Ashton who must have been with her. We quickly made our way to the bathroom where we found Tiana and Ashton in bed sheets. Yes I mean actual bed sheets. No one had even realised why she was in such a grump as we all realised they had well done the deed. Tiana’s face lit up at our realisation. She quickly hid it into Ashton’s chest.

“Luke mate when will you learn to shower properly? This bathroom is a mess.” Ashton questioned, behind me and Luke we could hear both Michael and Calum cheering.

“Ins Ashy ins!” Michael cackled as he made his way to the couch.

“Aye what happened to marriage before sex?” Calum winked as he followed Michael.

“Were you guys going to like shower together?” Luke gave Ashton a smug smile as Ashton laughed softly.

“Maybe so but we can’t when someone showers like there 7.” I couldn’t help but laugh at Ashton’s words as Luke threw some towels onto the ground.

“There.” He groaned as I nuzzled my head into his side making him smile slightly.

“Yeah just remember you are 19 not 7.” We both made our way back to the couch as we heard Calum and Michael whispering.

It must be weird how civilised we all are I mean we use to all hate the dude. But after rehab he recovered well. Though he has admitted feelings for me, he knows I’m Luke’s and he knows his place which I am so thankful for.

“What are you whispering about?” Luke laughed as I jumped quickly into his lap.

“Tiana and Ash, I mean he must really love her?” Calum spoke quietly.

“She’s completely head over heels for him. I never seen her so happy.” All there smiles grew as the words left my lips.

“Same with Ash.” Michael mumbled as they continued to play.

*1 hour later*

We were all snuggled up on the couch, I think by now we all have continually thrown the couple dirty looks. Finally Tiana snapped, causing us all to laugh expect her and Ash.

“What are you all looking at?” She rolled her eyes as I decided to annoy her.

“Is he like really big?” I smirked as Ashton’s face lit up.

“Bigger than you’ll ever know.” She winked at me. How did I not realise she wasn’t just going to let me annoy her. I laughed as I realised Ashton’s face hidden into Tiana’s back.

“Don’t break the bed then.” I winked as she groaned and we went back to the video game.

“Hey we should go out tonight.” Calum mumbled as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

“Right so where too?” Michael asked. By now the video game had been stopped and we were all listening to the plans.

“Some bar I don’t know. You guys in?” He asked quickly as he ran his eyes over us all.

“Yeah, you want to baby?” Ashton mumbled as Tiana nodded.

“Luke? Kaz?” Michael asked as he looked us.

“Uh yeah?” I spoke slowly as I looked up at Luke and he nodded.

*Some time later :L*

We have been in the club for a while now, it isn’t as bad as I thought but it isn’t that great either. Tiana and Ashton are off all over each other on the dance floor. Michael is drinking his sorrows that Montana couldn’t be here and I’m not sure where Calum is. Me and Luke had a drink each, nothing major we just sit here as the club pumps with all the hot sweaty bodies up against each other.

“Hey baby, I’m just going to go to the bathroom.” I mumble as I make my way to the ladies room. I spot Calum on the dance floor but he seems, bored and uninterested in the girl as she grind up against her.

 I quickly finish in the bathroom as I make my way over to the booth I see some girl with Luke. I’m already annoyed who the fuck is she? Before I can make my way over there her lips crash against his, my stomach drops when he begins to kiss back. I can’t stay here. I run past Calum as tears poor down my cheeks as I make my way out of the stupid bar. My heart is pounding as I run down the dark streets. I don’t want to go back in for Tiana. I see that disgusting prick. I thought he wanted me? I thought I meant something why couldn’t I be back in Australia. I need to go home that’s what I’m doing I’m going home.


I watched as Kaz speed past me, tears streamed down her cheeks as she left. I noticed her bright red purse as I ran quickly after her. What the hell had happened?  She wouldn’t stop running as she made it back to her apartment. I quietly followed behind her so she didn’t notice me. As she made her way into her room I sat quietly on the couch as I waited for her to come back.

“Kaz where are you going?” I ask quickly as she walks out with her with her suitcase fully packed.

“Home.” She didn’t even give me a second look as she walked out. Me hot on her trails.

“You are home!” I screamed as she left the apartment. She dropped her bag as she faced me.

“NO CALUM, I’M GOING TO MY REAL HOME!” My heart broke as I realised she was leaving. She couldn’t leave god what the fuck had Luke done.

“Where are you going?” My voice came out quiet as I tried to hide the hurt in my voice.

“To my sisters.” She picked up her suitcase as she continued as she walked.

“How you getting there?” I hated this god, I wanted to pull her back but that wasn’t me and I couldn’t hurt her again.

“A plane Calum. Do you have any other annoying questions?” She spat out as she made it down to the car park.

“Do you want a ride to the airport?”

“Please.” Her mood had changed very quickly it was weird but I decided to just go with it. This was her choice and I couldn’t do anything about it. 

A/N: This sucks I apologize but here you go.

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