Chapter 28

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I walked into the club as I spotted Calum on the dance floor. As I made my way to him I recognised the girl as the memory ran through mind like a play back.

“Just fuck off Michael.” She snapped at me as I sighed. How was it my fault I had to go back to Australia? I wanted to be with her I really did I wanted to do long distance but she just told me to fuck off.

“I really like you Montana.” I mumbled a bit too fast as she stared at me.

“I hate you Michael. Just go.” Her words felt like she was cutting blades into my skin.

“What about all those nights Montie?” I asked I could hear the desperation in my voice.

“I used you for sex. You were a good shag. Now fuck off.” I said nothing else as I made my way quickly out of her house.

I hated thinking about what she had said. I sighed at the thought as I looked back at the two. Her lips smashed against his and he in no way stopped her. They began to kiss right in front of my damn eyes. Sure she wasn’t mine but out all people Calum knew about how I felt towards her. I glared at Calum as he finally caught my look as I screamed.

“FUCK YOU CALUM.” Making my way quickly out of the club. What the fuck was wrong with Calum for god’s sake. I picked up my pace as I ran through the streets back to the hotel. First Luke’s girl now mine seriously! I stomped my way back into the hotel room receiving four pairs of eyes glued to my figure.

I didn’t bother to stop as I made my way into the room Luke and I shared. Why couldn’t we go home already? By the looks of things Luke and Kaz were good again and I was sick and tired of being around Calum. Before I realised the door creaked open I assumed it was either Luke or Ashton. I loved them like brothers but I didn’t want them around. Before I could speak Tiana sat on the edge of the bed. Tiana why was she in here?

“Mikey what’s wrong?” She asked in a gentle and soft tone. The way I remember she spoke to Luke when Kaz had left. It was sort of motherly and really relaxing. Before I realised I broke down and cried to her mumbling the events.

“Montie she told me she was only using me for sex but I have feelings for her Tiana. And I followed Calum into that stupid club. She was there fucking grinding against him. They kissed. What the fuck id wrong with me?” I finally finished as Tiana hugged me tightly, lightly rubbing my back. God I was so pathetically week look at me. She finally pulled away and gave me a small smile.

“Michael you are amazing. Calum is making many mistakes. You need to simply forget her she is not worth your tears honey okay?”

I just nodded as she pulled me into her as I gently rocked me as if I was 10 and she was my mother. Ashton had found the perfect one she was amazing. So had Luke I had to find someone? Just as my eyelids began to close I heard the door open and heavy footsteps. I didn’t open my eyes as they began to talk.

“Is he okay?” Ashton’s familiar voice spoke as Tiana continued to rub my back soothingly.

“Yeah just some dramas with Montana and Calum.”

“You really are amazing you know that right baby?”

“What makes you say that Ash?”

“Look at you, Michael has fallen asleep on your lap after crying. Which might I add he never does? Luke and Kaz. You are amazing and I am beyond lucky to have you in my life. I love you Tiana.”

I felt my mind drift off to sleep as I smile slightly at the cheesy couple. They are what I want. Nothing less or more.


Montana has taken me home. God what the hell just happened? Why was I here with her? I lazily made my way inside as I looked at the calendar. Oh god how did I forget we have a meet and greet in two fucking days. How great. And here I am with Michael’s girl.

“What am I doing here?” I slurred as she gave me a cheeky grin.

“You know.” She stated like I actually knew like wtf.

“No I don’t. What happened with you and Michael?” The alcohol had taken over making my voice sound stupider than it already was.

“There was never a me and Michael.” She stated quickly as she moved closer to me. “You are a very good kisser you know Calum?”  

After I realised what was happening the hormones rushed in me, I forgot about all of them as I made out with her.  She stood me up as she led me into her bedroom. We all know what this means.  

A/N: Sorry this is beyond short nd sucks so bad I apologize but here you go (-: 

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