Chapter 21

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We all quickly ran up to Calum as he waved her goodbye. Just as Luke approached she slammed the blind down. Calum’s anger grew as he stared at Luke. Luke had tears streaming down his cheeks. I could feel the tears on mine, but this was Kaz and I wasn’t loosing that little girl.

“Calum, where is she going?” I asked as I tried not to let the alcohol take over my body. Ashton thought it was fun to do body shots, now not such a good idea.

“Home Tiana.”

“Is her sister picking her up?” His face shot up as he shook his head.

“She hasn’t contacted anyone. She just got on the plane and left.” I wanted to slap him. What she was just going to go back and sleep on the roads. Her parents didn’t live there, and most of her friends moved due to uni etc.

I whipped my phone out as I dialled in her older sister’s number. She had to at least go get the stupid girl who had just got up and left. I looked over at the boys, Calum was doing something at the counter. Ashton had passed out in a chair, Luke had his head in his hands and Michael was lost in thought.

“Hey Jax?” I asked as I heard the grumbling down the line.

“Who is this?”

“It’s Tiana.”

“Why are you calling? Is Kaz okay? Oh god what did she do?” She rushed her words as I waited for her to stop. Kaz and her sister were quite close and they kept in contact quite a bit so she knew we were all here.

“She’s on a plane-“ I stated as she cut me off.

“Where the fuck is she going?” I could tell she was trying not to yell.

“She’s coming back to New Zealand. A misunderstanding, I’ll come back in a couple days, she has to come back. She has that course that could change everything. She needs to be here.” I mumbled.

“I’ll try my best, we will go to the airport now.” I thanked her as she hung up. There wasn’t anything we could do. In a few days after all the boys’ recordings are done I’ll make Ash come back with me to go get her. She has that course that could give her the job she always wanted and high up in the business as well.  

“Let’s go.” I groaned causing Ashton to wake and lazily throw his arm over my shoulder. I laughed at his drunken attempted to be affectionate. All the boys got up as they followed us out expect Calum.

“Hey Calum you coming?” I asked as he gave me a smile.

“I brought my car, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I nodded as we walked to Michaels’ car. He seemed to be hitting it off with the lady there which was some sort of positive out of this.


“Yes the next plane ticket to New Zealand.” I asked quickly as they began to leave the airport.

“Any luggage sir?”

“No.” I bluntly stated as she handed me the ticket and a passport.

I groaned as I waited for my number to be called. I could not let her leave, this was all Luke’s fault. And he wasn’t going to do shit about it. She had to come back. I sighed as I sank into the airport chair pulling out my ipod and plunging my headphones into my ears. I sighed as I realised I would be missing recording but then again she was more important than it all. The music began to blast in my ear as I lost all thought humming along.

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones

It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone gone tonight

The ground beneath my feet is open wide

The way that I been holdin' on too tight

With nothing in between

The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope

I spend her love until she's broke inside

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change

Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning

I'll see us in the light upon your ear

Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still

And I'll be gone gone tonight

The fire beneath my feet is burning bright

The way that I been holdin' on so tight

With nothing in between

The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope

I spend her love until she's broke inside

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I been waiting for this time to come around

But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time

Is frozen

The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope)

I spend her love until she's broke inside (until she's broke inside)

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life

After the music banged against my ear drums I heard my plane number being called. I quickly made my way into the plane as I mumbled to myself.

I’m coming for you Kaz and this time I will not fail.

A/N: I’m positive you already know the song you los3r anyways here you go I told you it sucks but here is your plot twist ;-) sorry about your sisters name i suck :-L 

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