Chapter 25

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As his name left her lips I felt my chest tighten. Couldn’t we just ignore the subject honestly? I get it he is happy without me, probably with that dumb bimbo already.

“What about him?” I snapped as she let out a small sigh.

“He misses you Kaz-“Before she could carry on I snapped at her.

“Don’t fucking lie to me Tiana okay? I get it you are happy with Ashton and I am happy for you but Luke doesn’t want me he wants that stupid bimbo okay!” I practically screamed causing Tiana to move back slightly.

“Kaz just listen to me please.” She was still calm, this was defiantly weird I just snapped at her. I nodded waiting for her to precede.

“Sometimes you are such a stubborn hoe. But no I am dead serious right now okay, this has nothing to do with my relationship with Ash. This is about a boy who made a mistake. A boy who held your only shirt left to his chest and cried while holding on to it for dear life. While sobbing some song-“ I cut her off again.

“What song?”

“Uh I don’t know the name?” She sounded slightly confused. 

"Sing it"

“Okay okay

Settle down with me.

Cover me up.

Cuddle me in.

Lie down with me.

Hold me in your arms.

She sung as the memory came alive in my mind. The song he wrote for me. Tiana has to be lying? But how would she know the song?

“It’s the song he wrote me.” I spoke up, a small smile spread across her lips before she could reply her phone began to ring. I laughed slightly at her ring tone being Ashton singing her name terribly over and over. She quickly answered.

“Michael what’s up?” I couldn’t hear Michael’s response. I wonder if he and Luke were here? Probably not. I don’t know what happened with Montie and Michael but they were fighting. I pretended not to listen as Tiana responded.

“Yeah I’m here with her now.” Me? Why were they talking about me?

“Are you sure Michael?” What the hell was going on? Ugh If only I could hear Michael.

“Okay here she is.” She tapped my shoulder as she handed me the phone.

“Hello?” I asked slightly confused.

“Hey Kaz. Michael here uh you just need to hear something okay? Promise not to hang up?” What on earth was he talking about? I’m sure it cannot be that bad right?

“Promise.” After the words left my lips I heard rustling and moving of the phone as I heard Michael’s voice in the slight distance.

“Just fucking do it Luke. She promised okay just say it.” Oh god he was going to break up with me. Or was he going to shatter me completely, my hands began to shake as I waited for someone to speak.

“Hello?” Luke’s voice spoke, he sounded so weak and vulnerable. Was he really broken over me leaving?

“Hi.” I spoke slowly as I waited for a response. All I heard was heavy breathing.

“I love you Kazandra.” I dropped the phone as I felt tears run down my cheek, he didn’t live me. He couldn’t could he? My heart was racing as Tiana quickly picked it up. I ignored her convosation as she talked to Michael. All that ran through my head was Luke loves me? Does he? I love him. I know that.

“Kaz?” Tiana took my thoughts away as she spoke to me. She had hung up on me.

“He loves me Tiana. I love him. Why did he kiss her?”

“Kaz he is Luke. He is awkward and stupid. Yeah he knows it was wrong but he is so kind hearted he didn’t want to tell her to fuck off. He didn’t know how to respond, he knows it was stupid. But you know he means he loves you Kaz. God he is so broken up over this. If you saw him last night you would understand. You need to take him back. I know you need him as much as he needs you. Fuck Kaz you are even wearing his shirt without realising.”

Before I could respond Ashton came in as he took Tiana’s hand pulling her up, next to her.

“We have to go.” He said as he gave me a polite smile. I nodded as Tiana spoke.

“Just think about it please Kaz.” With that they were gone. I felt tears running down my cheek as Calum came in and pulled me into a gentle hug. Before I realised he had lifted me up and we were in my sister’s small backyard. He picked up her boyfriend’s guitar as he began to play singing along.

Lately I found myself thinking
Been dreaming about you a lot
And up in my head I'm your boyfriend
But that's one thing you've already got

He drives to school every morning
While I walk alone in the rain
He'd kill me without any warning
If he took a look in my brain

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would
Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would

Back in my head we were kissing
I thought things were going alright
With a sign on my back saying 'kick me'
Reality ruined my life

Feels like I'm constantly playing
A game that I'm destined to lose
Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend
He's got 27 tattoos

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would
Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would

Would he please you?
Would he kiss you?
Would he treat you like I would?
Would he touch you?
Would he need you?
Would he love you like I would?

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would

Would he please you?
Would he kiss you?
Would he treat you like I would?
Would he touch you?
Would he need you?
Would he love you like I would?

Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then
I would, I would
Would he hold you when you're feeling low
Baby you should know that I would

I would, I would yeah.

He finished singing and moved closer to me. I felt as if I couldn’t move. Did he really just sing that to me? How was I meant to respond? I sighed as his face was now extremely close to mine as he whispered in a stern tone.

“Kiss me Kaz” Kiss him? NO I love Luke. Calum makes this so clear, beyond clear actually. I don’t want anyone else. Luke and only Luke. Calum’s face moved even closer but before he could kiss me, I slapped him straight across the face.

“No Calum. I love Luke. I only want Luke.” The anger on his face grew as he looked at me.

“I’ll get rid of him and you will love me.” He said as he got on to his feet, leaving. This was druggie Calum was he on them? No he couldn’t oh god I had to stop him!

A/N: drama whoop whoop I have no idea how long to make this but I have a few more tricks ups my sleeve! What will Calum do? Maybe someone does die ;-) Guess who the song is by ;-L peace homie ghee.

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