Chapter 4

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Lazily my eyes opened as I scanned the room quickly. Where was I? Before I realise the events crossed my mind. Luke? I looked up to find his bed empty. I sighed as I lay my head back staring up at the plain white ceiling. What was I doing here? Then I remember what Luke had said to me.

“You’re Calum’s girl.”

The words repeated over and over in mine. I was no one’s girl. How the hell had I gotten to this point in over a night. Calum didn’t like me? He was just being friendly right. I pulled out the phone in my pocket as I groaned it was only 8:15 am. Tiana should be awake. Ugh what if she has already left? Nah she wouldn’t her and Ashton seem to be hitting it off aw. I made my ways down the stairs as the smell of pancakes was in the air. It was defiantly Tiana’s cooking, I smiled as I made my way into the kitchen. I stopped myself when I heard her and Luke talking.

“Calum like’s her. So there is no way I have a chance but your friend takes my breathe away.” Luke mumbled with food in his mouth.

“You don’t know unless you try.” Tiana had got him in an eye dead lock, before she noticed my presence.

“Well good morning Kazandra.” I wanted to growl at her for using my full name but I just smiled as I made my way into the kitchen. Before any other words were exchanged Luke scurried out with his plate of pancakes.

“What the hell was that Tiana?!”

“How much did you hear?”

“Calum likes me? But so does Luke?”

“Apparently so. You popular girl.” A grin spread across her lips before I noticed her change in clothing. She had a boy’s hoodie and track pants. I assumed they were Ashton’s.

“What are you wearing?” I chuckled as her cheeks went pink.

“Shut up there Ashton’s!” I continued to give her a dirty grin before I could come up with a snappy remark I could hear heavy footsteps make their way into the kitchen and on to the bar stools in front of the pancakes.

“And you look adorable in them.” Ashton hummed as took a pancake. I swear Tiana’s face was on fire as she turned around, starting on the dishes.

“Who made these?” Calum asked as he smiled heavily at me. Did he really like me? Why would anyone like me? I sighed as I made my way next to Tiana.

“Yeah there really good! Michael there’s food and if you don’t wake up I’m gonna eat it all.” Ashton exclaimed as I assisted in helping Tiana with the dishes.

“Tiana made them.” I finally said. It felt awkward in the room. And I assumed it was because of me and Calum. Ashton’s face had lightened up though at the words that escaped my lips.

“FOOOOOOD.” Michael screamed as he quickly rushed into the room.



It was about 6 at night. I and Kaz had quickly left after breakfast. Ashton had begged me to stay but I knew Kaz was in an awkward situation so we had to go. But he’s been texting me all day. How the hell did this even happen? I was texting Ashton Irwin and he actually saw beauty in me.

“Tiana!” I groaned as Kaz spoke up. We spent the day in her apartment watching movies and after everyone Kaz would fall asleep for like half an hour. She was really tired but I guess when Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings like you, you can’t just sleep. I chuckled at my thoughts as I looked up at her.


“Stop sexting Ashton and decide what we should have for dinner?”

“I am not!! Anyways I don’t care what we have you pick.”

“Ugh I don’t know.”

“Let’s just get pizza yeah?”

“Okay I’ll order it you carry on texting lover boy.”

“Shut up Kaz” I growled before we both started laughing. And before I notice my phone was ringing.


“Tiana?” Ashton’s voice spoke as a smile spread across my face.

“Hey Ashton.”

“TELL YOUR LOVER TO GO AWAY!!” Kaz screamed as I heard laughing through the phone.

“What’s up?” I mumbled as Kaz gave me a dirty grin. God she was annoying I rolled my eyes.

“Nothing I’m starving, these boys suck!” I could hear the whining in Ashton’s voice.

“Aw you poor baby. Me and Kazandra are getting pizza.” I laugh as I heard a gasp through the phone.

“WERE COMING OVER.” I recognized the voice it was Michael.

“uh Michael wants to come over.” Ashton mumbled and I smiled.

“ugh we will have to order more but sure.” I playfully rolled my eyes at Kaz as she stared at me.

“Oh no babe, our shout we will bring it. Text me the address? See you soon beautiful.”

The line went dead as I quickly texted Him the address. He actually called my beautiful. Wow.

“What was that about?”

“Oh um the boys are coming over with pizza.” I smiled cheekily at Kaz as she screamed.

“I NEED TO CHANGE EW I LOOK NO WHERE CLOSE TO GR9, UGH I HATE YOU TIANA.” She screamed as we hurried into the bathroom. 

A/N: this is just a filler. I am so gay. you're welcome byeee (:

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