Chapter 18

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Tiana and Ashton walked in and somehow were even giddier what the hell. Tiana quickly grabbed my arm and dragged my lanky body into her room, as Ashton as he continued to smile away next to Luke.

“What did you do Tiana?” I tried to sound serious as I bit on my lip. Knowing Tiana’s smile they had probably done something sexual. I started to laugh as she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

“Shut up sick mind and let me talk.” I tried to stop laughing as I nodded up at her.

“Stop laughing you loser.” I finally caught my breath as I looked at her seriously.

“Guess.” She had a smug look among her lips as I groaned.

“Ugh I don’t know Tiana, just tell me.”

“Ashton he asked me-“

“He asked you what?!” I quickly asked before letting her finish.

“To move to Australia with him.” My heart sunk, I mean I was so happy for Tiana I really was but I don’t know. I didn’t want her to go, I didn’t want any of them to go. I hated the fact that they had to go. I didn’t even know where I stood with Luke. I put on a fake smile as I looked up at her.

“Kaz” She pouted at me as I continued to smile at her.

“What’s wrong? I’m not stupid Kaz.” I sighed as I mumbled out the words.

“IjustdontwantanyofyoustogoandIdontknowwhatlukethinksofme.” Just as the words left my mouth Luke appeared at the door. Fuck what the hell was he doing he was not meant to hear me for god’s sake. Tiana quickly scurried out of the room as he stared at me.

“Kaz I want to take you somewhere.” He almost whispered.

“Uh yeah sure.” God I sound so awkward I just wanted to punch myself straight in the face. I quickly got up as I followed him out the door. Not before both Tiana and Ashton could wink at me as they were cuddled up on the couch. God they were annoying but cute I can’t even with those two.

“Did you want an ice cream or something?” Luke mumbled as we sat on the bench looking out at the lake. We had been sitting like this for at least 10 minutes. Not saying anything and Luke was being so awkward.

“yes please.” I nodded as I followed him to the stall. He already knew what ice cream was my favourite as he ordered for us both. As we sat back down I couldn’t stand the silence as I looked him dead in the eyes.


“KazIwantyoutobemygirlfriend.” I mumbled as he looked down like he had said something wrong. I couldn’t help but smile at the awkward boy.

“Now Lucas how could I say no to the hottest punk rocker in the world?” His face lit up as he tackled her on to the soft grass, the ice cream falling on to my top as he placed kisses all over my face.


I cannot believe she said yes. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning as I open the presents I desperately wanted. After placing kisses all over face we just lay there. I laughed at the ice cream all down her top.

“Babe you have ice cream on you?” I tried to bite my lip as she groaned staring down at her shirt.

“Ugh oh well.” She was so cute and like wow I cannot with this girl. As I moved closer to her she lay her head back on my chest. I kissed her head softly as I pulled out my ipod, placing an earphone in each of our ears as the song began to play.

Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye - 

it could be for the last time and it's not right. 

"Don't let yourself get in over your head," he said. 

Alone and far from home we'll find you...

Dead - Like a candle you burned out; 

spill the wax over the spaces left in place of angry words.

Scream - To be heard, like you needed any more attention; 

throw the bottle, break the door, and disappear.

Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams, 

waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry."

Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around 

it's like a piece of me is missing. 

I could have learned so much from you but what's left now?

Don't you realize you shot this family a world of pain? 

Can't you see there should have been a happy ending we let go?

Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams, 

waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry."

Sing me to sleep.

Sing me to sleep.

Sing me to sleep.

Sing me to s...

Sing me to sleep (You've taken so much with you...) 

I'll see you in my dreams, (But left the worst with me...), 

waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry."

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


“yeah Luke?”

“Will you come to Australia I mean like cause Tiana will be there and I don’t want to leave you I mean if you want?”

“Of course Luke.”

A/N:This sucks ass don’t worry more drama next chapter whoop whoop.

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