9 | kanye's wordplay foreplay

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9 | kanye's wordplay foreplay

Song: Come Get Her by Rae Sremmurd

Depicted Above: Deepika Padukone as Leia Kar


I really wanted to hug whichever idiot it was that was paying for everyone's shots. I was so so so down with this. Free alcohol to drown my sorrows away? Hell yeah, baby. Hell yeah. Keep it coming.

Shots and dance circles.

That's what tonight consisted of.

And that was fine by me.

Making my way back into the crowd, I reclaimed my spot in the middle of the dance circle, and the crowd cheered upon seeing my presence.

Club Titanic was always filled with drunken college and high school students, and tonight was no exception.

It was an eighteen and over joint, and nobody carded. The underagers and staff were on a don't ask, don't tell basis here.

While the business practices of the owners were questionable, Club Titanic always provided one with a pleasant experience. Or maybe it was the alcohol? Either way, everyone knew besides house parties and raves, Club Titanic was the next best bet in scoring booze, chicks and/or dicks, and a good fucking time without hitches.

The owners of the small place were Marnie and Marty Peters, a talkative elderly interracial couple who were the definition of TMI. They apparently had some old-life crisis when they realized they were disconnected with their kids and not the young, hip, and cool parents that they thought they were.

Upon facing such an epiphany, they had decided to take immediate action. Using a lump-some of their retirement fund against Suzie Orman's pleas and insistence that they indeed could not afford it, they built Club Titanic "to fit in with the young community" and be "in on the new trend."

Originally, the club was named Club Minnie because the couple shared some sort of fetish for Minnie Mouse. The club brought in quite a lot of revenue—that is when they finally stopped sharing with customers their reason for naming the club Club Minnie. It took me quite a while and quite a few shots to finally get across to Marnie and Marty that customers were turned off and repulsed by the idea of visiting a club named after the owners' sexual fantasies.

Marnie and Marty were always obsessively trying to figure out ways to fit in with us "yung un's."

One time, Marnie and Marty had requested to listen to some of my music and playlists to try to connect to "what the young whippersnappers of today like to listen to." They were especially engrossed and enraptured by the music of "Conn Yaylest."

At first I had no clue who the hell they were talking about.

Were they smoking weed?

I knew they were always very keen on giving drugs a chance and letting loose, but I didn't think they would ever really get to it.

After explaining to me that they knew of him via the news where they heard there were rumors he was going to drop an album and also run for president 2k20, I had deduced they had butchered the name of none other than Yeezy himself.

When I finally let them listen to Kanye West on my Spotify playlist, reluctantly, after their million attempts at trying to persuade me to, the first song they happened to listen to was Alors on Danse with Kanye and Stromae. Their heads nodded erratically to the beat, and it was clear they had no sense of rhythm. Their off-pitch humming also highlighted their tone-deaf qualities.

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