36 | public display of arousal

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36 | public display of arousal

Song: Secret to Sell by Mikky Ekko

Depicted Above: Diego Barrueco as Quinn Carter


"You know... As a businessman, I've gotten to travel everywhere. Really. Everywhere," Sam Savarkar ends with a slow pause, setting the tone for his insightful philosophies.

Who told him he was the Dalai Lama of business?

"I've been blessed. Truly blessed for my travels, my experiences, my opportunities... Of course, it has been the product of the hard work Amelia and I have put into everything, but regardless, we are truly grateful for it all." Sam's head dramatically bobs and slashes through the air for every phrase he deems worth emphasizing.

I glance around, gauging the audience's reaction to the beginning of Sam's monologue. While I wanted to roll my eyes at the obvious lack of genuineness in his words, the rest of the gala, excluding Quinn of course, is engrossed in his words, drinking in the artificial, impotable shit he's spewing on the spot and will continue to churn out for however long he's allowed to yap.

It's not obvious to the common man, but his words are so damn scripted. Not that it's inherently wrong, but even prepped words should have a tinge of heartfulness to them.


Quite literally, his words seem dead on arrival. As he vomits his plasticky speech out, I hear arrogance laced in his connotations. While he seems to appear to be appreciative for his lifestyle, the slight haughtiness in his words strongly suggests he's using the limelight to gas himself and his wife up.

"We are grateful to have been able to discover the meaning of humanity and life through our business endeavors. From our various global projects, S&A's mission has helped Amelia and I as well as our employees view life through a different lens—a holistic and cosmopolitan view if you will."

Okay, Buddha. Chill with your enlightenment.

"We present to you a video of what all S&A has accomplished and blazed a trail into, really demonstrating how the way we conduct business has been revolutionizing and far-reaching."

If there were ever a more perfect moment to roll my eyes than now.

Quinn and I share a sly glance. We both detected the horse shit from Sam Savarkar.

Earlier in the evening, Quinn had filled me in on S&A and their ways of corporatism.

To see Savarkar act like the proud representative of a humble and altruistic company was grotesque but not mind-boggling. As it was with the likes of other high profile conglomerates, which monopolized in the free market such as Comcast, Coca-Cola, and Kellogg's to name a few, S&A was playing the game. Dirty. But then again who ever seemed to follow the rules so far up in the food chain? Apex predators like Savarkar always possessed get out of jail free cards.

It may be the nauseating words of Savarkar or the amount of water I had consumed today, but I really find in this instant, just as a montage of drone-shot footage animates on the screen and the lights fully dim, that I need to use the restroom.

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