25 | be my trophy business partner

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25 | be my trophy business partner

Song: Needed Me by Rihanna

Depicted Above: Deepika Padukone as Leia Kar


I had just finished emailing Mr. Hapsberg about the medical research he was publishing that I would be co-authoring in for my career mentorship class when my door rang. I couldn't possibly imagine who would be at my door currently. I hadn't ordered food. My aunt wasn't going to be visiting until at least the holidays, and it was a Sunday. I doubt any of my friends would really be up until later, especially with the senioritis going around.

I had a surprise visitor, and I'd soon find out who.

Groaning, I get up from my comfortable position on my couch and leave my blanket behind while pausing my episode of Teen Wolf, which I had been indulging in since I had earned a well deserved break. Well, I had been multitasking by watching the show and emailing my mentor, but regardless, it was still some form of a break.

Looking through the peephole, my eyes are immediately greeted with a nervous Quinn.

Of course, it would be him, now that I thought about it. He had said he would swing by to drop off my dress and shoes, but I had been waiting for it to happen so long that it had slipped my mind, and I really didn't think he would have my address memorized from that one time he had been here.

His presence at my house was both bitter and sweet. He had ignored me, and though we barely knew each other, it did kind of bother me. Now that he was here, in a way I was glad he was forced into interaction with me because of my stuff he had to return. Even still, I was still kind of salty about his weird avoidance of me. What was wrong with me?

I swing the door open, bracing for what this meeting with Quinn could bring. Any time spent with him always surprised me.

Like when I found his hit list at Starbucks.

Or when embarrassingly enough, he brought me home after a drunken night at the club.

Or when he revealed he was a middleman.

Or when he had tried to seduce me in the school parking lot, so I'd give his little list back.

I almost choked on my spit. There was something about that specific memory with him that I just couldn't shake off. It was one of my moments with him that I especially buried in the back of my mind and tried not to think too much of.

But of course, I would. Fuck me.

Quinn turns around as he realizes the door is open, and I'm right there.

I fix my pony tail discreetly. I was extremely glad I chose today not to wear his clothes that I still hadn't returned nor his slides.

Honestly, bless the fuck up.

It would be hella awkward if he realized I still hadn't returned them and was knowingly wearing them around with no intention of giving them back to the rightful owner.

To be honest, I just couldn't bear to part with them.

They smelled so good. They were so comfy. I felt so warm and safe in them. What straight girl in her right mind would return them?

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