23 | alvin would tap that

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23 | alvin would tap that

Song: Don't Tell 'Em by Jeremih ft. YG

Depicted Above: Ian Chen as Minseo Kim


"Yes, Jules. I got it. I have the address, and anyways you'll be in the car with me," I reassure Julia for the millionth time.

"Okay, okay. Just making sure." Her words may assure me of one thing, but from her eyes darting around the cafeteria, I can easily tell she's thinking of anything else she's forgotten.

I gently place my hands on Julia's arms. "Julia, look at me. You're just nervous because of the wisdom teeth extraction. Nothing else. Okay? But trust me it'll be fine. It'll hurt a bit, but nothing that you don't already know of."

She pouts, and I can tell she's not ready to spend the rest of her weekend recovering from the pain. "It's gonna hurt so bad, Leia! I don't want to. And my face is gonna get so pudgy. I don't wanna look like a chipmunk," Julia whined.

"Hey, if you were a chipmunk, I bet Alvin would tap that. You know what I'm saying," I wink at her seductively to loosen her up a bit. The lines of frustration on her head soften, and I know my attempts at cheering her up are working. "In fact," I offer, "twenty bucks says Chip and Dale would want you for a threesome, babe."

With that Julia's cracking a smile and into a heap of giggles. If that's what she was now, lord knows what she would be like after the drugs kicked in.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and that we were to head to dreaded Aldridge and Benson's classroom.

As Alex took to lightening Julia's mood and distracting her from the dreaded wisdom teeth extraction, I threw the remnants of my lunch. As I walked down the hall with the hoards of teenagers going every which direction and splitting off and filing into different halls, I headed down to my English classroom.

By misfortune, fate, kismet, whatever you wanted to call it, Quinn seemed to walk right by me, but, of course, headed in the opposite direction as he had early release.

I could see him. I was aware of his presence, but his eyes never met mine. If I gave him the benefit of the doubt, then maybe he really hadn't seen me. But he just wasn't that oblivious. He had to have known it was me he passed by. All in all, he was definitely succeeding in avoiding me around this school.


"Julia, your mom keeps sending me kissy emojis for picking you and Minseo up. I keep telling her it's no problem, and I don't mind. It's not like I have anything else to do on a Friday night, but she's even resorting to bitmojis to express her gratitude." I look up to Julia as we wait for Minseo, her adorable little brother, to get all his things from his friend's place and get into the car.

"Lemme see." Julia strains her neck to my side on the driver's seat and scrolls through the incessant waves of emojis her mom sent. Julia laughs out loud at how ridiculous some of them are. "Yeah, she's gonna blow your phone up for a while," she states, knowing how Mrs. Kim could be.

I laugh, and Minseo knocks on the window for me to unlock the door.

"I gotcha bud," I let him know and unlock the door. He immediately plops down and gets busy playing whatever the newest game it was.

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