20 | frickin' chill dad

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20 | frickin' chill dad

Song: One More Night by Maroon 5

Depicted Above: Tyler Posey as Caleb Dalton


I hadn't signed up for an interrogation, and yet here I was—trapped by the cabinets and fridge by an ever-agitated Caleb.

What a way to spend my Sunday.

"Kale, c'mon move I have some hangovers to doctor upstairs."

Caleb's attention span quite often resembled that of a squirrel's, so my conversation diversion strategy should honestly be effective.

And yet it isn't.

Everything about Caleb's demeanor right now is unfamiliar to his usual goofy self. His focus remains intently on me, and I'm not sure what's to come.

"Who's Quinn?" he sourly asks, his face still hard set.

Clearly he's chosen to play bad cop.

"I already told you, dumbass. Now move." I'm about to grab the water and pills, but Caleb folds his arms against his chest in such a manner that I know it's no use arguing just yet.

"You," he makes sure to stress, "told me a lie. How do you explain this?!" His voice raises in an accusatory tone as he whips something out of his pocket like we're in some over the top telenovela.

"Yes?" I raise my eyebrows condescendingly, my eyes staring at what resembles his wallet.

"Fuck, one sec," the imbecile mumbles under his breath as he returns the wallet back to his pocket and then fishes something out of his other pocket.

I hear keys jangling from what's probably attached to his lanyard. I stand there waiting as his face scrunches while he scrounges around and digs deeper in his pockets. Sounds of all sorts of objects can be heard as his hand fidgets around deeper, looking for lord knows what. Man... how could he fit all that in there? Are those Mary Poppins' pockets?

His gaze is set on his pocket, and his focus is solely devoted to finding that one specific item—whatever it may be—and showing it to me.

"Ooo-kay. Guess I'll be heading up now. See ya." I'm just about to make my sweet escape when luck once again doesn't have my back. The universe definitely has something against me today.

Getting punched in the face.

Getting my period all over Quinn's sheets.

Almost getting head from Kobe today. Bless that it actually didn't happen.

Getting investigated by Caleb.

Things weren't necessarily going in my favor since the day had began for me.

"Aha!" Caleb shouts, displaying in his hand Sabrina's phone? The case was easily distinguishable, but it was unfathomable why he would be in posession of it.

"What?" I dryly ask. Caleb's antics were getting really old.

With the phone in his hands, and his thumb tapping, presumably to unlock the phone, Caleb begins to talk. "Last night, Sabrina, Alex, and Julia got pretty drunk." He pauses from his activity on the phone and looks me straight in the eye.

"Yeah, no shit. Why do you think they have such shitty hangovers upstairs. Let me check on them." With that I take off charging, but Caleb somehow still possessed the upper hand in this situation.

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