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We stopped for air. We were breathless.

"Date me."
"But you're a teacher." I'm unsure.
"Then it'll be a secret for now."

I bit my lip and nodded. "Okay." Then, he smiled. I can tell, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Aunika's POV

Remember when I said, "I can tell, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."? I was wrong.

It was about 10 minutes into English class and Mr. Dallas was still receiving flirty smiles and comments from other girls. (A/N: remember Cam is an English teacher now! Disregard the Science)

If it wasn't for the fact that I have changed over the past summer, I would have told everyone to screw off. I took a, if you'd call it... Dark path 2 years ago.

Memories of the darkest times in my life start to flood in my mind

It's two days before my Sophomore year. Wow, Tenth grade. I was not at all happy nor was I ecstatic about it.

Julie Fathoms. She will always haunt me. No, she wasn't dead or anything like that. She was just super scary and intimidating.

Her being a year my senior, meaning a year older than me was frightening. She had the looks, the brains and sadly, not the personality.

I remembered the last day of school last year. Her words etched onto my brain like the little aliens that stuck on you, sucking the life out of my head. "Maybe if you were skinnier, your family would actually love you or hell, maybe they will be able to look at you as if you were a part of the family. And just maybe.. Maybe if you're lucky, people here would actually want to be your friend."

I shrugged at the thought. She was right though. I wasn't particularly obese nor was I a perfect thin. So, for the whole Summer vacation from school, I spent my days constantly drinking strictly water and exercising at the gym excessively. I was over loading myself with exercising.

I began eating less and less until my stomach couldn't take in any food.

Mom started noticing me... Paying attention to me.

My brother? He had always been protective over me but now that I was thin and pretty, he started to become over protective. He was a year older than me. He was the spotlight and I was his shadow.

It was the first day of Sophomore year. I didn't think I would have a good time. Surprisingly, I haven't seen Julie and I even made friends. One in particular; Ryder.

He was nice, funny and as a plus, he was new to Fort Vancouver Truce High School. Meaning, he never saw me at my worst last year.

It was lunch time and low and behold. Julie Fathoms.

Out of nowhere sits next to me and smirks. "Looks like you have taken my advice Aunika. Good to see you. Come sit at my table."

End of flashback

That was the day everything changed for me and went downhill. She made me her little puppet. I followed her footsteps and turned into the bitch she was. Although, I never really said anything to bully... I just watched.

Ryder and I had a long story... Not worth mentioning just yet.

After Julie and I became friends, I knew I had to really stay fit. It wasn't a healthy fit. I was on the verge of being bulimic.

To all the girls out there... Especially if you are going through hard times such as weight problems and such, just know that everyone gets through it. You can too.

Nobody is perfect so stop trying to be. You just need to breathe in deeply and remember that you are gorgeous and there are many more people that love you the way you are than people who don't.

I stared at Mr. Dallas. Can I really do this? Can I be in a relationship that is hidden from others?

Will Cameron be as faithful as he would with anyone else he's been with?

The only thing I can do was hope that everything goes smoothly.

I am not much younger than him but I assure you, there must be some sort of law that he can get in trouble for breaking.

I returned to looking at him.

He looks like such a heartbreaker...

And boy did I wish I never got involved with him.

a/n: Please forgive me. I can't stress how grateful I am for you all. Here's a short chapter of her past.

You pronounce her name as On-knee-kuh

Updating schedule!!!

EVERY Wednesdays and Thursdays!

Have a good day! Working on more chapters ❤

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