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Okay Auni. You can do this... Just dig deep into the past but don't reveal every single part of it.

Think happy thoughts.

"Whatchya working on?" Jake asked. It was lunch time and I really needed to work on this project and impress Cameron. I'm not as dumb as I look.. Just kidding, I hope I don't look dumb.

"Mr. Dallas' project." "I already finished. For past, I chose 'Wide Awake' by Katy Perry. For obvious reasons, the song for the present I picked was 'Me Too' by Meghan Trainer and the future I chose 'Famous' by Pussycat Dolls."

"All of those songs are cringey. But, good job. I have no idea what to choose. Guess I'll figure it out later tonight."

It felt as if Cam and I have gotten close over the weekend. I knew many thing about him and he knew about me. We spent Saturday watching movies and cuddling at his place and then Sunday, we talked so much.

"Aunika Jay! Please report to Mr. Dallas." The intercom spoke. I got up and collected my things, making my way towards Mr. Dallas' classroom.

"Sir, you wanted to see me?" I closed the door behind me and he looked super... Lustful?

He slammed me against the door and locked it at the same time he started kissing my neck.

"Hey babe." He looks at me and smirks. "Hey Cam." I smiled.

"You look nice today, what's the occasion?" He winks and I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh nothing. Just felt like looking nice today."  He smiles and guides me to his desk. He took a seat in his rolling chair and I took a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

"What was so important that you had to call me over the intercom? Isn't that a bit risqué?" "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have dinner tonight? My place." He smiles.

"Of course. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at 7:30. I'll be cooking for us."

I really felt as if my heart was going to rip out of my chest from the amount of pounding my heart was doing.

I blushed so hard. Okay idiot. You need to gain control. Stop being girly.

"Okay, I'll be ready by then." We talked a little.. Well it was more like me laughing at his idiotic high school stories. The bell rang and he gave me a quick hug, adding a kiss on my forehead.

After school went by, really slow I might add, I went home. "Sweety? You here?"

"Oh my god! Mom?" I saw the gorgeous woman in front of me and hugged her tightly. "I thought you were on a business trip in Nevada!"

"I am just here because I wanted to check in on you. I am leaving in an hour. What are you doing tonight?"

"I have a date ma. He's very special. He treats me well." I blushed, obviously not mentioning that he was in fact, my English teacher. After she gushed out on how cute it was and how she wanted details later, I hugged her goodbye. Time flies fast when you are spending time with the ones you love.

I got ready into a navy blue lace dress and curled my hair a little bit give it a wavy look.

After lounging around, it finally turned 7:30. He was right on time because I heard the knock in the door.

"Hey beautiful. You look stunning." He gave me a bouquet of hibiscus flowers. My favorite, unappreciated flowers.

After putting the flowers om the counter, I locked the door and we rode in his car.

We didn't really converse at all. It was comfortable.

He opened the car door for me and we went into his house. He lead me in the kitchen. It was pretty. Hibiscus flower petals were spread around the counter. There was steak and mashed potatoes. My favorite.

"It looks so yum." "You do too." He mumbled.

Que the blush.

We both took a seat and started eating. "Do you ever think of what it would be like to actually be able to date in public without worrying about the law?" He finished what he had and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Sure. It would be nice to maybe kiss you around town." He looked merely thoughtful.

"Cam! I'm home baby!"

I looked at Cam. I already knew who it was. She walked in and looked between Cam and I. "What the hell?"

I immediately got up and didn't take my eyes off of the man who looked at a loss for words.

"Your student Cameron? Really?" She spoke. Neither of us breaking contact. This was so awkward. I was heated.

"I'm sorry Bella. He was just telling me this is how he wanted to plan a dinner for you." I lied.

"I must be going now. Goodbye and have a beautiful night."

My voice cracked, no doubt.

As I made my way out of his house, he grabbed my wrist. "Aunika." He whispered.

I slapped him. Cliché, I know. "Don't you ever fucking talk to me ever again."

And then, I walked away from the man who broke my heart... Stomping on it and shattering it into many pieces.

a/n: I know it seems like it's going by super fast but I have to do something to make you all hate loverboy. Anyways! I was thinking if changing the title to 'Hurt By Mr. Dallas' OR if you have any suggestions, comment.

Once I reach 550 votes, I will update early again!! I have Cheer Camp on July 11-13 so no Tuesday update! Hope this makes up for it.


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