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"Mr. Dallas! Can I speak to you for a sec?" I called out.

Jake was getting on my nerves and kept flirting just to get me in trouble. Mr. Dallas gave me detention! Can you believe that?!

Why me! Jake was the one flirting, not me. Okay I admit that I flirted back just to poke fun at Mr. Dallas. Jake is gay... How could Mr. Dallas not suspect that?

"I already told you Aunika. You are not getting out of detention." "But that's so unfair! Jake was flirting with me first." I protest

. "Doesn't mean you didn't flirt back!" He snapped. His jaw was clenched and he look so sexy. "I'm sexy?" He asked. I blushed as I realized I called him sexy.

"Um. Yeah. Wait what? No. Maybe. No." I stuttered out and he gave me a pat on the back as I left to my other classes.

I walked to lunch and told my "group" that I had detention and walked back to Mr. Dallas classroom. I took a seat and sighed.

"You look like you've just witnessed world war three." Mr. Dallas stood there smirking. I groaned and took out my compact mirror. He wasn't kidding. My hair wasn't tangle free, my mascara was smudged and my white cami wasn't tucked into my black skater skirt anymore. "Can I go fix myself in the bathroom?" I asked. Mr. Dallas shrugged and I fixed my presence then walked back into detention.

He glanced at me. "Cute." I rose an eyebrow but was grinning. "Aw. Mr. Dallas called me cute. How nice." I smiled at him and he stuck his tongue out.

"How childish. How old are you anyways? Like 27." I guessed. "That hurts Aunika. Really really hurts I'm 20." I looked at him in shock. "Damn. You're hot." I mumbled. He either didn't hear what I said or just chose to ignore it.

I took out my English homework and had trouble. I kept tapping on the desk with my pencil and groaning. How the hell was I supposed too write a paragraph about myself? "Need help?" Mr. Dallas asked. I nodded and we walked behind me reading the directions in a low voice.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged Mr. Dallas tight and he chuckled. "You had it in you kiddo. You're very interesting by the way." He winked in a friendly manner. I blushed.

He's so sweet, not at all mean and grouchy like he is in class. No wonder why a lot of girls have this little crush on Mr. Dallas.

He's cute, hot, funny, attractive, loud, sweet and I could go on and on and on. Too bad the bell rang. "Chin up princess. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled widely and yet again, I blushed. How could someone not like him?

Revised: 07/04/16

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