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my point of view

To be able to graduate the year without any drama whatsoever, Aunika decided to ignore all men. Cameron tried his best to talk to Aunika and try to plead for forgiveness but she wasn't having it.

After about the last four months of ignoring him, she was able to focus on school and herself. She wanted to better herself before she started living again.

Cameron and Bella were engaged and although she was enraged for cheating, especially with his student, she couldn't help but forgive him. They've been trying to work things out by that time.

He of course didn't technically love Aunika but she was growing on him. He had no idea she felt that way but he was relieved to hear that she didn't love him. Only a fool would be able to fall in love with him and to him, Bella was that fool.

Aunika cried so much that day she presented her English Final Project. She cried so much that her tears could probably water a mini garden. She realized so many things that day.

Little did Cameron know, although she wasn't in love with him, she let her guard down. She built something so strong to block out everything that could ever hurt her. He was not in love with her but only the mere fact that he was involved with his student.

You see, dear readers, Cameron was really a guy not to mess around with and even though he loved Bella a lot, he still toyed with her heart. They had the weirdest history during high school along with the whole bad boy and good girl lines.

He never really thought about how Aunika would feel when she found out. He thought she would get over it because she seemed like a strong girl but he didn't know her story until she told the class. All he wanted to do was tell her to shut up and to hold her. To comfort her and tell her he was there for her but he knew she would not like that. He couldn't do that first of all because he was her teacher and the students would be suspicious. And secondly, she hated him at the moment. He wanted to tell her everyday for the past four months that he would be there for her whenever she was feeling down but she never gave him the chance to speak. He wanted to be a part of her life as a friend. He just wanted to be friends with her and he wanted Bella to like her and he wanted her to meet his family but he wanted to do it all as a friend.

He never really had friends until he spent more time with Aunika. He ruined a relationship that could have easily sprouted to an endless friendship. He felt accepted by Aunika and never judged.

Sometimes at night, he would think to himself and feel guilty and at the same time, she would stay up at night wishing that she never got involved.

They'd both miraculously sigh at the same time and fall asleep.

Again, to all my dear readers, although you don't have any good feelings about Mr. Dallas, he did mostly use her because he was broken and lonely even though he had Bella.

But, that's just who he was. He was able to hurt two girls at the same time. One will forgive him but the other wouldn't.

Aunika fell into the state of mind where she wouldn't be able to trust someone as easily as she trusted Cameron. He broke her walls and gained her trust only to break her heart in the end.

At the end of the day, the person you care about a lot can either make you or break you. It's just your choice on how to react.

Mr. Dallas | UNDER REVISIONWhere stories live. Discover now