The Ending to A New Beginning

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warning! might be the end of my book! I wanted to add more characters but I'm not completely sure. Read end note!


Aunika's POV

It's been about four months since I have spoken to Cameron. I have chosen to focus on school and my life as a Senior. Rumour has it that he proposed to Bella. Not that I really care. I'm happy he's moving on.

I haven't exactly moved on if I am being honest. I mean sure, I've made a couple of great new friends. Jake was stressed that day of presentations because his family decided to move and he had to go with. He didn't want to leave me and Kristy but he had no choice. Kristy and I both agreed that it was best if he go and travel.

Kristy had graduated early with a scholarship and left across America.

It seemed that everybody was moving forward except me. Aunika, the girl left behind.

I don't mind though. I've been more open and willing to make friends. Boys were an exception. I can't risk getting into boy drama. I needed closure but I did not want to talk to Cameron. He is now engaged to a very gorgeous woman his age and he is probably really happy. It makes me think of what their past was like. How did they end up together? I wanted to know what happened between the two because if he ever cheated on me and then asked me to marry him, I would have turned him down and kicked him out.

I guess she had such a deep and fervent love towards the man who didn't return it. Well, I wouldn't know.

Cameron has let me go a few times in the past after asking if he could explain. Now that I could think of it, I wanted to know why. I had so many questions.

It was English and since I already finished my assignment, I waited to be the last person put of the room. I gave him the paper and he looked up. "Hey." He mumbled. I took a seat across from him and sighed. I can do this.

"I want answers. I'm ready for them."

He looked at me and I feel like it has been a while.

"You were supposed to be a one time thing." He stood up straight and continued.

"But you ended up being more than that. I saw you as someone who accepted me and appreciated me. You didn't judge me for who I am, even though you didn't really know who I was back then.

I came here to make a fresh start. I started picking on you because you looked more than what meets the eye. You see, we were never supposed to hang out a lot nor were we supposed to be acquainted. I just wanted sex.

The more we talked, the more I realized I just needed a friend. You were my friend. Sure, what I did was wrong. I should have came through with the truth but the world doesn't work that way. The world doesn't want us together together.

I feel as if we were meant to be here for each other. I know, we probably still barely know each other and that I have broken our chances of being in a friendship. But, I will not beg for your forgiveness. I know I have to earn it. I just think if you work on yourself and I work on myself, only then will we be able to be friends.

What you said about your past, I didn't know. I didn't know at all what you have went through. It was like a whole different side of you. You always seemed so confident in yourself and sure of it.

Never have I once seen you envy someone else's life. But I was wrong about that.

Little did I know, you are a thin piece of transparent glass. You were letting me step over you in hope that my weight won't end up getting the best of your weakness and shattering you. That's exactly what I did though. And I am truly sorry. I'm sorry I am such a fucked up guy."

Cameron held his head in his hands and looked down shamefully. Only now did I realise that I shouldn't have ever fantasized about my teacher. It would have never worked out.

I was so caught up in the little secrecy stunt we pulled that I never realized how it would potentially hurt us in the future.

"Cameron," I finally spoke. He looked up to me, his brown eyes boring into mine. I gulped. Do or Die.

"I don't fully forgive you but we are getting there. I'm not sure what to do with you. You're absolutely right. We know nothing about each other and I know for damn sure that we won't be learning anything any time soon."

He looked pained but I had to do it. For me and for him.

"But, give me some time and I will cave in. If you knew anything, it would be that I am a sucker for you. I'm infatuated by you. That's all it ever was." A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized that we could have been in deeper if Bella didn't walk in.

In ways I am happy that she walked in but I was sad too. I wish he and I could pursue a future together. I just wanted to be loved. To feel loved.

Cameron walked over to me and for the first time in four months, I was embraced in a hug. I kindly returned it. We stayed in the same position as I cried and scented his smell of expensive cologne.

"I'm scared." He stayed quite and stroked my back as I continue to sob. "My mind is telling me not to give you a chance but my heart says otherwise." I sniffle and continue.

"I'm scared because if I know more about you, the real you, I'll fall deeper into this infatuation and sooner or later, I'll fall in love with you." He sighed but kept his silence.

I got out of the hug and looked him in the eyes. I gave him a smile. My heartbreaking smile.

"I want you to be happy. I am not who you want. I'm not ready to become a lady just yet. I have a lot of life experiences to go through." I cup his cheek and look up to him a little more. He gave me a sad smile. "I want you to be happy and the only way is for me to work on myself."

I slightly get on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek, lingering a while. "It's only for the best."

He knew what the cheek kiss was. It was a statement. It held all the emotions I have been holding this whole time. Pain, sorrow, anger and relief. It was only time.

Goodbye Cameron.


so Hello everyone! I'll make this short and simple. My writing has never been good and I thank all of you for the support. I just wish I had more time. I want this to be the end of the book but I have more scenes in mind.

I just need one thing from you guys! More votes and a follow. I have no problem with what I have now but the support really helps motivate me. I love you all.

How do you feel about this chapter? Comment below! Might be the last chapter but I haven't decided.

Love, D

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