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"Mr. Dallas?" Heather called. He looked up and walked over to her to help. I could tell she was flirting with him as she asked him questions. He grazed his fingers over her paper and I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Why? Because like all the girls in this class, I have a crush on Mr. Dallas. I looked at Jake who was snooping through my phone.

"Give that back." I said. He looked like he was going to hand it to me "Thanks Jakey." I smile. "Not until you take a picture with me. I have to post something on instagram so Kyle can get jealous." He teased.

I groaned but took a lot of selfies with him. I looked through the pics and my face lit up on the one where he is kissing my cheek while my eyes were cross eyed and my tongue was sticking out. "Aww we look so cute." I said as I set it as my lock screen.

"Cute? I am not cute. I'm hot." He stuck his bottom lip out and I laughed while poking his nose. "Nah. You're cute." He held my waist and hid his head in my shoulder while I smiled. Jake was my best friend and I love him so much.

My gaze caught Mr. Dallas who was now back at his seat, watching me. He had this death glare and I couldn't help but smirk. I wasn't trying to make him jealous but it felt good that he could feel what I felt minutes ago.

"Jake and Aunika! No pda. It looks like I have to call your parents." Mr. Dallas said.

"Dude. She made a pass at me first." Jake said. I gasped and hit his arm. He stuck his tongue out at me as I gave him the finger.

"If that's so, then detention again for you Miss Rae." I groaned and stomped my foot on the ground. He can't do this.

"But I have people to see at lunch! Can't you just let me off with another warning?" I practically beg. He shrugged and I glared at Jake who was laughing. You just wait Jake. Just wait.

detention time

I was on my phone texting Dawson.

hey babe (: how's senior year

- dawn

hate it I've been getting detention bc my friend Jake can't keep his hands to himself -_-

- auni

do i need to kick some ass for ya? -.-

- dawn

nah babe (: I gotta go back b4 my teacher takes my phone :( bye bae

- auni

bye ;*

- dawn

"Who's Dawn? Your boyfriend?" Mr. Dallas scoffed. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "It's kind of complicated. You see, I stayed in Cali for the summer and he was my summer love and I can't seem to let him go.

Its been a while since we've talked and he just checked up on me.

Its no biggy."

Mr. Dallas licked his lips and bent down on the other side of my desk and looked me in the eye. "Seems like an awful boyfriend to me." I looked at him in confusion as he came closer to my face.

This is it. We're about to kiss but instead he reaches down to whisper in my ear "Detentions over." He looked at me again and I got up quickly and left the room.

Was I about to kiss him? Was he about to kiss me? What the hell is this teacher doing to me?

"Auni!" Kristy was running after me. "How was detention with Mr. Grumpy?"

"His name is Mr. Dallas and it was okay I guess." I defended.

Why was I defending him? I don't know. "Woah. Calm down there. I was just asking. What's wrong?" She was going to have to find out sooner or later and that's when I started from the first day of school.

Revised: 07/04/16

Mr. Dallas | UNDER REVISIONWhere stories live. Discover now