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After taking a trip down memory lane, I couldn't think of myself as a human. Then I realized something important.

The past is the past but it made me who I am today.

Julie changed my life time after time; good and bad. Now that I think of it, there was no way that I didn't resemble her. I dressed like her, styled my hair like her and sometimes I catch myself speaking like her. Julie was nothing but a haunting memory now. That's all she will ever be.

"You good Auni?" Jake made me stumble out of deep thought. I took in his features and then mustered up the best fake smile I could. It wasn't good enough because he scrunched up his face in disbelief.

"If you don't tell me now, I'll totally kiss Mr. Dallas. Gay or not, you know I will." He threatened.

I looked at Cam. His glasses that I am 99.9% sure is fake just for him to look professional, was slowly making it's way down the lower bridge of his nose. I slightly chuckled and he looked around the class and then to me. He threw me a wink and a cute grin.

"Earth to Aunika?" Jake distracted me from looking at the gorgeous specimen named Cameron Dallas. Before I could reply, Mr. Dallas took off his glasses, cleared his throat and got the attention of the class.

He got up slowly, only to sit on the edge of his desk, looking at us all.

"You all have a project!" Que the groaning. He continued,"Don't worry ladies and gents. You won't have to write an essay!" Que the cheering. It soon died down when he continued with a 'but'.

"You will be presenting to the classroom." Some people were happy and some had 'I would rather write or die" written on their facial expression. He started to go over the details of the project.

After listening to him talk the rest of the period, I couldn't wait to get out.

The project is a "Songs about my life" project. He handsome teacher explained.

"I thought of it with other English teachers. A song that represents your past, along with a small reasoning! You'll do the same thing.. Pick a song from the present and then a song that you would like to represent your future. You have a week.

Get to it!"


I watched Aunika. She was a stunning presence.

I was a bit concerned for her. This whole period, she spent her time looking lost in thought and then at the time when I was talking to the class, she looked sad and then annoyed.

I didn't do anything wrong did I? The kiss, I feel.. Was a mistake. I don't know what I ever did, getting involved with a girl I am 3 years older than.

Truth be told, I didn't like her as much as I let on. She's gorgeous... Yeah. But, to think she honestly believed I would leave Bella for ... A high schooler?

I may not be that much older than her but I am a man with values. I loved Bella, not some side chick.

I did feel bad for lying about Bella cheating and shit but honestly... Aunika looked like a person I would definitely hump and dump. I've done it before.

Yeah yeah... If people knew me for who I actually was, I would be called the douche of high school... The bad boy who played the good girls.

Bella? She was there for me. She helped me through hell and back. She is my best friend and my love.

Cheating on her is the worse thing possible to do. She was nothing but faithful to me. I get bored with her sometimes.

Aunika.. She's a good toy though.

We won't be anything but a cat and mouse game.

a/n: Spicing things up a bit! Tell me what you think about our sexy Idol now 😈😈 anyways! Comment a few songs I can use. I'm going to have "Song of the Chapter" moments.. I'll dedicate the chapter to you if I pick your song AND mention you as a email part in the book!!

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