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Finally its senior year. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole. Just one more year Auni. One more.

"Hey Auni!" Kristy yelled.

I hugged her and smiled. "Haven't seen you since after graduation. How was California?" She asked.

"Good I guess. I met a boy." I said wiggling my eyebrows. Dawson, aka Dawn.

Hottest boy in California. Too bad I had to leave and come back to Washington. "Nice. Did you hear that we have a new teacher?" We discussed how we would think the teacher would look. Turns out we don't have any classes together and that sucks.

"Auni!" Jake yelled. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Babe!" I yelled back and he spun me around. "No pda or you'll get sent down to the office." We turned to see the teacher glare at us. I chuckled and sat next to Jake and Heather.

Jake was attracted to the same sex. I have always supported him every step of the way from when he came out to everyone at school to when he came out to his parents.

"As you all know. I'm kinda new here and I'd appreciate it if you'll bare with me. I'm Mr. Dallas." and boy was he  hot.

I kept staring at him. His lips so full and plump. His attire looked like a normal teenage boy and he had black vans on. He was finer than fine.

"Miss Rae?" his voice caught my attention and I cleared my throat. "Yeah? Sorry what was the question?" He chuckled, "Do you know the difference between good and bad?" I looked at him confused. "Um. Good and bad...." I trailed off. "Good and bad nucleus systems." He finished.

I shook my head and blushed when all the class was staring at me. How embarrassing? I sighed and kept my head down the rest of the period.

"How was your first day of being a senior?" Mom asked. I groaned and slammed my room door. Its the same as last year. Nobody would leave me alone because I'm popular.

All I wanted to do was sit in peace without jocks flirting or nerds getting scared. I'm not as mean as I was last year. Dawn really changed me into a good person. We have gotten so close and he is such a good influence.

There was a knock in my door. "Go away mom." I said. "Sorry sweet cakes but I'm not your mom." Kristy smirked when she noticed me roll my eyes. I told her about my day and vice versa. She left and before I went to bed, all I could think of was Mr. Dallas.

Revised: 07/04/16

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