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Chapter 1: Two years later

I often think of how it would have been if I ended up dating Cameron. I wonder if it would have been complete bliss. But I realize that he's with who he belongs with. I would have never imagined him inviting me to their wedding.

Of course, it was through mail. I don't understand how he got my address since I moved about seven hours away. I guess it's a teacher perk? "Nelly, give him time. He'll come around." Stella said. You would think that they were talking about a boy but they we're in fact talking about a little puppy she bought. "It's not fair. Pepper like you and Auni." Nelly pouted her lips and sighed. "Guess you can say you guys go together. He's pepper and you're... Salty." Stella always does this. She cracks jokes only she laughs at.

I met Stella and Nelly our first year of college. Who knew huh? After avoiding Cameron most of the year, I actually focused on my future. Stella and Nelly knew all about him. They hate him and I try to reason with them but they think he was all in the fault.

"Are you still having weird monologues in your head?" Nelly said,  slightly knocking on my arm as if to ask if anyone was home. I tend to do that a lot huh.
"Nope, just debating whether or not I should go to the wedding." It was half true. They knew of my past with him and didn't know if I would be able to take it. Suddenly, Nelly's eyes gleamed. "Bring a date." A what? Stella grinned with her. "A date. That is perfect."

They started mumbling to each other and they looked like complete psychos. "If he still cares about you, he'll get jealous. If he doesn't, then screw him. Not literally though." Stella explained. "I am over him. He's getting married with a girl he's been with since high school. No way he will be into me. He just wanted to be friends." I grimaced.

He was a mere illusion of love. Something I didn't need.. someone he didn't want.

I doubt Bella would want to see me either, but I'm not even sure if she knows about me.

I haven't been on a date in a while but I've had a few guys I've been talking to here and there. I have a crush on someone but I'm not even positive I exist to him. He's a Junior in college and I'm a sophomore now. His name is Kingsley. No, he wouldn't do it.

"What do you guys think of Kingsley?" I look at Nelly and Stella closely and they laugh really hard. When I say really hard, I mean the type to offend me. "You're gorgeous and you can get any man but you choose the immature junior who is a player?" Nelly laughs more and Stella pitches in. "You just love getting your heart broken don't you?" I don't. They think it's all funny but they've never experienced it before.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Why does everything seem so unreal? I look at the beautiful girl standing there with a huge heart. I don't need to go. I don't want to go.

So I won't. It's the end Cameron. The end of us.


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