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"Oh my god! You're having secret teacher fantasies! That is so romantic." Kristy gushed. "Quiet down. We don't want him to get fired do we?" I whispered.

"We should totally get him to ask you on a date. We just need to figure out how to do that." If you knew Kristy as long as I have, you'd know she was a determined little devil. She had her thinking face on for about five minutes and I couldn't help but think of Mr. Dallas.

If we were to date each other, would he get fired? How will my mom react? Will our relationship last? How will students at the school react?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kristy finally spoke up. "I've got it!"

"Auni put it on!" Kristy demanded. "Hell no. You know I don't wear these kind of things to school." I looked at the dress disgustingly. It was a black lace dress that reached below my butt and had lace circles on the sides. It was a short sleeve with a v-neck and it was too short for my liking. "Oh come on! We're going to a party after school and you already know that everybody is already going to be dressed up." She was right.

It was Friday and it was a celebration party for passing the first week of school and being a senior and all you have to do is make an appearance.

Especially if you're in the top of the social butterfly group.

"This is still too short. What will people think of me?" I asked pondering. What would people think of me? A slut, a whore?

"Who cares what people think of you! Besides, the real question is, what would Mr. Dallas think of you." She wiggled her eyebrows and I blushed. Would he really pay attention to me? Would he flirt, check me out or even give me a second glance?

I gave a defeated sigh and did my makeup. I wore black vans so I would be comfortable unlike Kristy who was in red heels. Every time I commented on how much she looked in pain, she'd reply back with ' beauty hurts '. She's such an optimist.

We walked into the hall of our school and she was right. Mostly all the girls were dressed up and the guys were all fiery eyed as they were probably making a mental list of who to flirt with at the party.

Which reminds me "Who's throwing the party this year?" Kristy shrugged," I think Randy Banks." I gulped. Randy. My ex boyfriend.

"Look, there's your man." She whispered before skipping away and high fiving random freshman. Oh Kristy, what am I going to do with you.

"Auni!" I know that voice oh so well. I ignore him and saw Mr. Dallas stand outside the classroom, eyeing me with curiosity written over his features. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom.

A knock on the door came and I ignored it. "Leave me alone Ryder!" I yelled.

"Why don't you just talk to me? Its been 5 months since our breakup! Auni please." His voice cracked. I opened the door and he walked in.

"What do you want?"

I asked him quietly. "I want you to know that I've missed you. Not as your boyfriend but as your best friend." He said lowly. I looked at him for the first time since our breakup.

"You dyed your hair." He skilled and nodded. "Remember when we were little and we'd always talk about how you wanted my hair black and I wanted it blonde?" The bell rang but I couldn't care less. I've missed talking to Ryder no matter how much he hurt me.

"Yeah looks like you dyed it my color." I reply smugly. "Well I did miss my best friend. We haven't talked in forever." I nodded and silence took over. "I don't wanna keep you from class. But I will let you know that I'm here for you if you need anything. We always were partners in crime." I smiled and he hugged me. "True that. I'll see you at the party yeah?" He nodded and looked at my lips then back to me.

He leaned in and we kissed. I felt sparks. Not sparks that you'd feel on a cliché movie but sparks of trust. Did that make sense?

We started making out like crazy and I couldn't help but miss this. Us. Even when we were best friends we would make out. It was weird I know, but we were so close and I still feel close.

We parted and he smiled. "Still got it in ya." He winked and I laughed. We said our goodbyes and I snuck into Mr. Dallas' class. The door didn't close as quietly as I wanted it to. "Ah. Miss Rae. Late I see?" Mr. Dallas was angry at my attire. I thought he'd smirk and check me out but no. He was angry. The class was busy messing around and Jake walked up to me. "Who'd you make out with?"

His eyebrows furrowed. I cleared my throat. "Randy. But we are just friends. I swear." I have no idea why I'm explaining myself to him but I felt he had to know. Jake has always been honest with me. "That asshole who cheated on you?" He scoffed and walked away. Not before he stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "You might wanna fix your hair and lipstick." He turned back on his heels and I was a mess again. What the hell Randy. The bell rang and Mr. Dallas called for me. Once the class left and the door was closed he spoke up. "I'm disappointed in you Aunika. How could you make out with your ex boyfriend who cheated on you? Are you stupid!" He raised his voice. I gulped.

"Its complicated! Its not like we were having sex again." I let the word slip out of my mouth. "Again? You had sex with that douche?" Mr. Dallas looked so sexy angry and I couldn't help it.

"You don't even know Randy." Was all I said before walking out. He grabbed my wrist and looked at me. "Oh but I do." He eyed me up and down licking his lips. "Nice outfit." He looked at my lips and sighed. I left the classroom. Why hadn't he kissed me?

Revised: 07/04/16

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