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It's been a week since I've been to school. Yeah, what could I do? I actually was heart broken by my English teacher.

I've been getting my missing work by Jake. He doesn't know the whole story but when he first saw me, he told me that Mr. Dallas looked even worse. I didn't believe Jake. If I was Cameron Dallas, I would walk off the face of the earth.

Cameron Dallas was nothing but a scum to me. He was the dirt in between my keyboard. He was nothing but an infatuation.

A heartless douche.

He hurt me and I don't even know how I could get him back. He never really liked me so I can't make him jealous. So what do I do?

Why do I feel like I have nothing to live for?

No, I am not being dramatic because if Mr. Dallas. I'm being dramatic because I got involved with a teacher who in the end, never gave me a thought.

It was Monday and I needed to turn all my assignments in so I can at least pass my Senior year.

After turning in all my assignments and going through hell, It was now English. The only thing I have had to turn in was my project. I'm only here to present and then leave. It's as simple as that.

As soon as I walked in, Mr. Dallas avoided eye contact. Of course he did. He's not even man enough to look me in the eyes.

We started class presentations and I was ready.

I stood up and cleared my throat a little. As I stood in the front of my class, I realized everyone had their own problems. Jake looked stressed out and I haven't even payed any mind to him.

I wasn't the only one going through tough times.

"For the first song, it's called Broken Home by Five Seconds of Summer. If you listen closely, Luke says "Sharp words like knives, they were cutting her down

"It meant a lot of things to me when I was younger. I lived in a home where my mom didn't really care about me. Through my high school years, you all know I was bullied by the girl who soon became my best friend. I fell into a depression that I didn't even know about.

That's enough about the past." I sighed and looked around the class as they listened closely to the song. I didn't even mean to share my story with them at all... It all just kind of poured out and I was in tears thinking about how far I have come, only to be broken down again.

"The next song is Wide Awake by Katy Perry.

"This song may be old but I wasn't on drugs or anything. It's kind of like a metaphor. I fell in love with... A disaster and a few days ago, I realized that he was nothing but a monster. He was a heartbreak kid.

"You see, love is only something so temporary until you find that flaw in the other person that comes crashing down on you. Love is merely a weakness."

I didn't care to look back at the culprit behind me or anyone in front. I just wanted to get all of this off of my chest.

"And now, for the future, I didn't choose a song because I'm not a fortune teller and I can't predict my own future, I can only make choices that create my path for it."

The bell rang, signalling the end of class and as I was about to leave, there he was calling out my name. Instead of looking at him or minding him, I walked out of his classroom.

I've come to realize that love is not all you need in your life. Love is not that feeling you get when a guy calls you beautiful. Love is not that happy feeling you get when you see the guy you've been aching to see all day... It's called infatuation.

If you fall in love with someone, you're showing a sign of weakness. You're showing others and yourself that you put your trust into someone who can either make you or break you.

I happened to choose my future and he chose to break me. Now, that's in the past and I'm trying to look forward to the future.

A future without Mr. Dallas

a/n: I love you all! Comment and tell me what you think of this chapter ❤


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