Veintitres (Last Chapter)

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Naruto's pov (1 year later)

It's been a year and a couple since the babies were born, it hasn't been easy and it still isn't, being a mom is hard especially with twins. Sasuke and I are still together, we have are ups and downs but were still happy. My mom and dad got married again, the wedding was really fun and it made me really happy that they were happy. 

It's Saturday and the babies were crawling around in there play pen, and Sasuke and I were watching tv. "Naruto?" he asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Will you go on a date with me?" He whispered huskily in my ear, that sent shivers down my spine. "We can leave the kids at your moms tonight" He continued to whisper seductively. "I would love to go on a date today" I said and kissed him. I was still a virgin, I'm pretty sure tomorrow I won't be. 

"I have to call my mom to see if she can watch the kids" I told him after I broke the kiss. He nodded then I got up and walked to the kitchen and dialed my mom. "Hello?" She answered "Hey mom" I greeted her. "Hey hunny whats up?" She asked. "Sasuke want to take me out on a date today, will you please watch the kids?" I asked her "Of course I will!" She squealed in excitement. "Thank you mom, We'll bring them to your place around six" I said "Okay hunny" 

After I talked to my mom, I went back to the couch and sat next to Sasuke, I put my head on his shoulder. "My mom agreed to watch the kids tonight." I said as I picked up his hand an held it. He kissed the top of my head. "Good, we can have fun tonight" He said huskily. "Perv" I said. 

It was time to go, Sasuke and I got dressed up and we got the kids in the car, then we drove to my mom's place. Once we dropped off the kids, we got back in the car. "Were are we going" I asked him. "To a restaurant then home" He winked. I felt nervous, I've never done this obviously. 

Once we arrived to the restaurant, a lady showed us to our table it was kid of secluded from everyone else, it was beautiful. We ate and talked, it was perfect, I love talking to Sasuke, we never ran out of things to talk about about. 

"Naurto, I love you so much" He said then he got off his chair and got down on one knee, my heart started racing. "We have two beautiful and wonderful children, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he said then took a black box out of his coat. "Will you be mine forever" He said as he opened the box, the ring was beautiful. "No" I said he gave a really confused and shocked look. "I'm just kidding of course I will" I said then attacked him with a hug and a kiss. "You scared me" He whispered. "Good" I teased him. 

Once we arrived home Sasuke looked at me, "You know what comes now" Sasuke said smirking. I smiled at him "Just be gentle" I said. "Of I will" he said. He came near me and pulled me by my waist and immediately attacked my lips with his. He the picked me up and took us to our room. He laid m down on the bed, then he started trailing kissed down my neck. 

(I wrote th yaoi in the next chapter)Time skip to tomorrow

I woke up in the arms of my fiance, he was still sleeping. Last night was amazing even though it hurt. I smiled at his sleeping face, his eyes then slowly opened. "Good Morning gorgeous" He said giving me a kiss. "Good morning" I said. I was no longer a virgin. 

Sadly this was the last chapter, thank you all for reading. I love you guys so much, and I'm so glad you enjoyed my story. I loved writing it. Thank you guys so much! And as always I love y'all!

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