An endy beginning

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Well to start, here's my begining.


Me (J) - 18 years old, average height, light skinned, brown hair, dark gray eyes and a flashing handsome face.

Isabella- short, dark gray eyes, long black and gold hair.

Julie- 18 years old, long black hair, dark green eyes ,not that tall and pink lips like mine.

Tyler- 17 years old ,short, dark brown hair, bright hazel eyes and

Eddie- 19 years old, tall, very dark gray eyes,and brownish hair.

Britney- 17 years old, long brown hair, brown eyes and average height.

Lydia- 9 years old, bright hazel eyes,long black hair.

Bill- 9 years old, gold hair,sky blue eye.

Will- tall,dark blue eyes,brown hair.

Allison- average height, bright hazel eyes, long black hair.

Briggs- tall, dark black eyes and gold hair.

Peter- short, navy blue eyes and whitish hair.

Ben- average height, black hair and matching black eyes.

Tony- tall, bright grayish eyes,and brown hair.


"Come on dude",said Tyler.

"Ummm I'm not sure",I said.

"Come on dude You've had a crush on her since like 3rd grade",he said.

"I dont think i ca-".I got cutt off as Tyler pushed me towards Julia. I stumbled as I came face to face with the angel from heaven.

I said "hi".

She was about to say the same as someone said,"hi Julie". My attention was turned to the guy. Eddie Salmon.

What the f*ck. What's he doing here? I thought they broke up. I could see something in Julie's eyes as she said,"hi edd".

"Looks like a bad time",I said.

" ummm I'll talk to you later". I said,"sure thing".

I went back over to Tyler as the bell rang. We walked to class as he said," dude your just gonna make him take your girl like that.

I said,"can't stop him" and with that we walked to class ,as soon as we settled down I saw edd and jules walked in. I gave him a glare: a death glare. The teacher teached boring, most students were already sleeping when the bell rang . i went through a day of watching Eddie and Julie: talking, giggling etc. When I went to my locker I saw Julie alone at hers.there was my chance.

I went over and said,"Julie I have something to tell you".

The corridors were empty so I said it passionately," I'm in love with you".

She stared at me wide eye as if she had seen a ghost. She struggled to find words. Then that piece of *shit* came and interrupted.

"Is there a problem"? ,Eddie asked.
"No,he was just leaving",said Julie.
"I thought so".
So I left feeling heartbroken.

I went to class for the next half an hour till' school was over. As I went to my locker I spied Julie. She smiled and I smiled back. As I was leaving I saw Eddie came and turned her around to him and kiss her.

Awww fuck,he did not just did that.

I turned around to walk home sad and she saw and pushed him off as she called out.

"Wait"!,she shouted.

I didn't turn around just kept on walking till' I reached home.

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