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I got up from a crash I heard downstairs. I went down and saw a tear gas. Smoke evaporate from it and the whole kitchen was full of smoke. I shimmered and I ended up in my room. I quickly woke up Julie.

"Julie,Julie wake up, wake up"!,I shouted.

She turned and turned until she got up.

"J its just four in the morning".

"I know, but I think there's something bad's going on".

She got up off the bed and I heard shouting outside. Another crash came from downstairs.

"What's happening"?,she asked.

"I don't know".

Then a strong voice came from downstairs.

"You have the right to remain silent, now come down, we mean no harm,if you refuse to cooperate with us,we have no choice,but to come in hard",said the male voice.

I took up my phone and called Tyler.

"Hey,its four-"

"I know,get your magic ass over in my room now"!,I said.


Immediately he appeared in our room. Then more crashing came from downstairs.

"What's happening"?,he asked.

"I don't know,now listen get bill and Lydia out of here,ok,bring them to Oceania, they'll be safe there".

"Ok",he said disappearing.

Julie took up Isabella,who was wide awake from excitement.

"Ok sweety, protect mommy , ok"?.

Then a rush of air hit me in the face. I knew the ball was around her. We went downstairs to see what look like a S.W.A.T. team. They had guns and all other ammunition.

"What's the problem"?,I asked.

"We've got a report of people in this house killing people".


"Im sorry sir,but please come with us".

I stood in front of Julie.

"Get out of my house",I said trying to be calm.

"I'm sorry sir,we can't do that ,you have to come with us".


They aimed their guns at me and fired. The shots went straight through me.

"I told you chief, this one is going to be hard to get", said one guy.

Julie stood behind me as the shots bounced off. I shimmered and disappeared.

"Where's he"?.

I appeared in front of one of them and pulled his head off. They aimed at me ,but I shimmered. I appeared and shimmered killing most of them,leaving four. They ran outside. I turned human.

"Go Julie".

"But I can't just leave you like that".

"Just go".

She kissed me and gave me Isabella. She looked at me and giggled. She pecked me on my lips and I gave her back to Julie as I began feeling dizzy.
They both disappeared. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I put my hand there to feel a sharp needle. I pulled it out and looked at it. It read:

Substance contains supernatural morphine.

I fell on the ground as they came back in.

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