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Julie's POV

I finally found j. But he's about to commit suicide. I didn't wanna lose him again. I've lived through six years without him. It felt like half of me was torn out and burnt up. Isabella woke up.

"Where's Dad"?,she asked.

"He's gone".


"To get himself killed".


"He's gone to speak with Cronus".

"But that's suicide".

"I know".

"We have to stop him".

"He's already gone".




I walked among the buildings to find this Cronus. I walked and walked,but no sign of any living. Then I saw a floating figure in the air. It floated down and stood a few yards before me.

"Bow down, o mere supernatural", it voice sounded man like and rough.

"Listen asshole, I didn't come here to bow down in front of no cheap ass piece of shit,I need you to stop killing off the people".

This caught his attention, he walked up closer towards me.
His head was ball and his eyes were full black like a shark.

"And who are you to speak to me like that"?.

"I'm the last Henry",I lied.

"O ,this is going to be so much fun".

"O yea,fun when I crush your sorry ass with my boots".

"You know what,let's just fight normal first".

"Ok,if that's how you wanna die,fine by me".

He lunged at me,but I side stepped and send my fist up his stomach.

"Not bad",he said standing up.

"I got more for you".

He lunged at me again, but this time his fist caught me in my jaw,sending blood out of my mouth. We fought and fought until I got tired of been human.

"You know what,let's dance".

I called up my wolf,canima,dragon, ghost and panther. The dragon skin was tough. My canima claws were liquidized with a paralysis. My panther allowed swift and slow reflexes.

Two long wings burst from his back. His eyes turned glowing white.

"Nice,but sorry you're gonna have to die so badly",I said.

I breath out a blast of flame hitting him a few yards back. He got up and floated high in the air. He held out his hand and a white light shone from it hitting me in the chest making me topple over. We fought and fought again until I received a huge cut on arm.

"You daughter of a bitch"!,I spat.

He held out his hand and a black stuff shot out making its way at me. I held up my hand to shield my face, but I didn't fell anything. I moved my hand to see that he was still throwing the black stuff at me, but it bounced off. I looked behind me and saw Bella with her hand stretched out.

"GO!",she boomed on an unnatural voice.

"I thought you said you were the last Henry"?,asked Cronus.

I smiled.

"I lied,asshole!".

He roared and send another beam at me. I shimmered and ended up behind a building. Someone nudge my shoulder and I almost went into ninja mode.

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