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Julie knows I'm a werewolf now. I didn't want bill and Lydia involved in this. The phone rang and I went over and picked it up.

"Hi honey",said mom.

"Hi", I said through gritted teeth.

"What's the matter honey"?,she asked.

"Why would you keep something so dangerous from me"?,I asked.

"What are you talking about sweetie"?,she asked.

"You do know what I'm talking about",I said.

"Ummmm , nope",she said.

"The secret about me and been a Henry",I explained.

"How did you-",she got cut off.

"How did I know eh, why didn't you tell me"?,I said,almost shouting.

"I did it to protect you ",she explained.

"Protect me, eh?,I asked.

"Yes,I was tired of seeing you dying and reborning  over and over again",she explained.

"What do you mean"?,I asked.

"We've lived for centuries j,and each time I told you about your powers,you either tell someone or you try to push them to the limits and they burned you every time",she explained.

"What about bill"?,I asked.

"He's human, like you granny",she explained.

"Who always burned me"?,I asked.

"There was a family that hunted creatures like us",she said.

"Which family"?,I asked.

"The Morgan family",she explained.


"Did you know your ancestors were hunters",I asked.

"What are you talking about"?,ask Julie.

"You see I'm not a regular creature like us",I explained.

"Ummm I seriously don't understand what your saying",she said.

"Ok let me explain, we are supernaturals but, I'm not just any, I'm the most powerful, well our daughter will be. I'm half every supernatural creature. Each of my ancestors were half of each. My mom says I won't show any signs until I'm about twenty or so and bill's human like our Granny. But ,because our daughter is going to be the last Henry, she's going to be more powerful than any if us", I explained.

Julie sat there staring wide eye at me with her mouth in an 'o'.

"What's the matter"?,I asked.

"Did you plan that, or its true"?,she asked.

"Every word of it",I said.

"I'm confused, your half every supernatural creature"?,she asked.

"Yes,I was confused at first,but I got used to it",I explained.

"And our daughter"?,she asked.

"She'll be very powerful because her blood will contain all supernatural's",I explained.

"You want to have a child"?,she asked.

"Well, yea I guess",I said.



A text came on my phone saying:

All students of the Beastville high school should attend the graduation ceremony held at the King Star Hotel tomorrow. We are still repairing the school, because of the fire so please cooperate with us.
                                      Principal ,
                                       J .Mongol

"Did you get the text"?,I asked Tyler.

"Yea, I hope there's girls and food there",he replied.

"😸😸😸😹😹😹 is that all you think about"?,I asked.

"👍👍👍",he replied.

"Ok see yah tomorrow and dress styling, we should be everyone's idol",I said.

"Ok Alpha j",he replied.

"Hmmm I'm not Alpha......



Julie's POV

"Hey baby"I said kissing j on the lips.

"Hey darling",he said.

"So you ready"?,he asked.

"Yea,let's go",I emphasized.

He drove off in his Porsche and went over to Tyler's house and picked him up.

"So you guys ready for excitement"?,j asked.

"I was born ready",we said.

And with that j sink the gas pedal. King Star Hotel it is.


(46 mins later)


I drove so fast I didn't realise we were there that quick. We quickly got out. I was in a gray and black tux. Tyler in his green and white tux. Julie in her fabulous gold and white dress.(she looked like the goddess of beauty.Aphrodite.) We saw many vehicles parked outside. We were escorted to where the ceremony was. It was boring. Some people gave speeches and so,but I  sat there and yarn and almost fell asleep. When it was over everyone took of their hays and threw it up in the air.

"Ok everyone, you can go and take food and refreshments",said the principal.

Tyler was gone already.

While walking I saw most girls were looking at me and smiling. Julie saw this and slipped her hands around mine as we walked. She glared at some of them letting them know I was hers. I suspected some were vampires. Then I saw Allison came and peck me on the jaw.

"Hi babyface",she said smiling.

"Hi Allison",I said smiling too.

"You bitch I'm gonna rip your head off",said Julie as she cornered her self around me to grab Allison's hair but I held her tightly.

"Calm down Jules its ok",I explained.

"I see your girlfriend is a little overdramatic",said Allison.

"Ok listen, why did you wanted me to kill her"?,I asked.

"Because its tha way you can be stronger, by killing a loved one",she explained.

"Im already strong"I said.

"Not as strong as me",she said then her eyes turned glowing blue.

"You see killing a loved one makes your eyes blue,if you don't they'll stay yellow",she explained.

"I like them the way they are, you slut",said Julie.

"Ummmm I better go because I don't wanna get cooked by you girlfriend",said Allison walking off.

"What was that all about"?,I asked.

"I am yours and you are mine and no cheap ass piece of shit is gonna take you away from me",she explained.

"I know ,but why the attitude"?,I asked.

"Because she wants you,I can smell it on her,she wants to lust after you",she explained.

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