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I dreamt of Julie dying as I ran towards her ,but I was too late she had blood running from her neck.

"Protect our daughter", she says.

"We don't have kids", I say.

"Isabella", she says in her last breath.

I woke up sweating as my phone lit up from a text:

"I'm too tired to mind link".

"Me 2".

"So you coming to school today"?

Wait a minute this thing came to my school.

"What do you mean, you come to my school"?

"Well yes of course"

"Do I know you"?

"Well yes you do you know me very well you know"

Then my phone beeped signaling low battery.

"Hey my battery is dead so see you at school".

"Yea later not sure want to meet you".


I got off the bed and did the regular thing, make breakfast, but this time I made burgers and fries.

Hmmmmmmmm yummy.

The phone rang and I went over and picked it up.

"Hi honey, are you ok?, I heard about what happen", asked mom.

"Yea I'm ok", I lied.

"I called yesterday and you didn't answer then bill told me what happen",she said.

"O yea I was In the hospital",I said.

"What happen my darling",she asked.

"Fight with a dog", I lied.

"O really"?, she asked.

"Well yea",I said.

"Ok bye", she said.

I put the phone back in its place. Bill came down and I gave him his breakfast.

"So are you going to school"?, he asked.

"Well yea I wanna"I said.

"Ok see yah", he said waving as the buss came and I waved back.


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