Been born

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I got up very early. The baby's heart was beating very fast in Julie's stomach. I took myself off the bed. I concentrated on my ghost and dropped through the concrete and in the kitchen. I open the fridge and took out a pizza. I put it in the oven and set about twenty minutes. When that was gone I took it out and sat in front of the TV. I put in a movie called Underworld. About werewolves and vampires. Then the box of pizza flew out of my hand. I looked up to see Julie coming downstairs and the box landed in her hand.


"Hm you coming down here without me".

"I didn't wanna wake you up".

She came and sat beside me and rested her head on my shoulder as we ate pizza and watch the movie.

"Hm I want to be like this forever",she said smiling.

"Me too,but with the three of us".

She smiled.

"Are you happy you're gonna be a dad"?.

"Of course, this is the greatest thing ever happened to me".

"Ok ,I'm happy too".

"That's nice".

"Yea,I just can't wait".

"Me too".


Julie's POV

When I got up ,I looked beside me and j was there sleeping peacefully with his hand on my stomach. I smiled. I got off the bed and went downstairs. I opened the fridge and took out a blood bag. I squeezed it out in a cup and put it in the microwave. I drank it down slowly. My stomach felt lighter

"You were hungry,my baby"?.

Even though I knew she couldn't answer me ,I still asked. I was about eight months pregnant by now.

"I wanted the next month to run off soon",I thought.



I sat outside when I heard  a baby screaming. The lights went out and came back. I got up. Then after a while the nurse came out.

"Mr Henry, its a girl",she said.

"I know",I whispered.

"Would you like to see her"?,she asked.


She led me inside. I saw Julie lying there with the baby in her hands. I walked over to and kissed her and Isabella. She looked very tired and she was sweating a lot. Then she smiled.

"Isn't she beautiful"?,she asked.

"Yes,yes of course".

She gave me Isabella for a while. I looked into her eyes,they were dark gray, like mine. Her face was white. Then she did something that would scare anyone. Her irises disappeared leaving her sclera. Her eyes began to glow bright blue. Then her eyes turned normal. She looked at me and giggled. I smiled.

"You really think that could scare me"?,I asked.

Then her face turned black and white veins were in her face. Her eyes were white and all her teeth were pointed.

Now I was scared.

Then she turned normal. I gave her to Julie.

Since there I knew I was gonna have hell with her.


I went in the kitchen and took out an apple. I went back in the living room with Tyler, bill,  Lydia and Julie playing with the baby. When she saw me,she smiled. She was just about six months old and was a lot of trouble.

"Hey j,she's awesome",said bill.

"I know".

Then the apple flew out of my hand and landed in Isabella's hand. She nibbled at it.

"Hey,give it back".

She held out her hand and I was floating in the air. I tried concentrating, but I couldn't change.


She giggled and pinned me on the ceiling. Everyone laughed. Julie looked at me and shook her head.

"Come on Julie, tell her to put me down".


"Isabella please put daddy down",she pleaded.

She held me in air for awhile,then she locked her fist and I fell on the ground on my face.



Julie's POV

Isabella was crying in her crib. I got up and took her out and carried her in the bed. She smiled at me.

"You wanted to sleep beside us"?.

She smiled again.

She snuggled over into j's arm and pinned her back to his chest. I made a sad and jealous face. She saw it and disappeared. I got worried, but then she appeared in my arms. I smiled. She crawled out of my arms and laid down in the middle. She put one hand on me and the other on j. I kissed her on the forehead.

"Night baby".



I got up with Isabella lying down bedside me. I thought she was sleeping, but as soon as I got off the bed ,she turned around and smiled.

"Hm,I thought you were sleeping".

She giggled and disappeared. I ran towards the bed and felt there. I felt nothing. I began to worry.

"Ok Isabella, stop playing now come out were ever you are,your worrying me".

She didn't materialized back. I concentrated on my ghost and fell through the concrete. I dropped in the hall. I stood up to see Julie with Isabella in her hands. I sighed.

"She's trouble",I said shaking my head.

"What do you mean"?,asked Julie.

"You know,I thought she was sleeping, but as I got off the bed, she got up and giggled, then disappeared".

They both giggled.

"I was up there searching for her and couldn't find her,I came down to tell you, but she's here and I'm up there looking for her".

"She's just playing,j".

"I know,like yesterday with that floating stunt".

They both giggled again.

Isabella held out her hand and I was floating in the air again.

"Aww come on".

Then she tilted me upside down. I turned so that it looked like I was lying down on a bed.

"Ah,I kinda like this".

Then she giggled and closed her fist and I fell on my back. I stayed there until I saw her disappeared out of Julie's arms unto my chest. She wrapped her as around my neck. I stood up and held her.

"Your the best thing that ever happen to me",I whispered kissing her on the jaw.

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