Going for the rescue

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Eddie's POV

I haven't seen j since graduation. I have to make him kill someone he loves or else my pack is going to be weak. There's something about him I don't understand. It's like he's powerful already.

"Um Eddie what's wrong"?,asked Allison.

"O nothing, just remembering something",I lied.

"O,so what now",asked Tony.

Then suddenly a thought came to mine. J loves his brother very much. I wondered if he killed him it would make him more powerful. I loved Julie and she won't stop falling for j. I didn't want him to kill her so I thought about him killing his brother.

"Guys I have a plan,I said smiling.

"What is it"?,asked Allison.

"Its about j",I explained.

I saw her looked down on the floor with a sad face.

"What's the matter"?,I asked.

"O its nothing",she said.

I knew she was lying.

"Your lying Allison, now tell me what's the matter"?,I asked.

"Its just that I love j and Julie just get in my way",she explained.

"Wait,what ,you like j"?,I asked.


A weird thought came to me. What if I make j kiss Allison in front of Julie?. She would definetly hate him and I would get to keep Julie. I smiled.

"Why are you smiling"?,she asked.

"Ok everyone here's the plan",I shouted.



I woke up,but Julie was not in bed beside me. I smelt chicken and Bacon frying.

Hmmmmmmmm my favourite.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs to see my brother, girlfriend/wife to be and my sis-in-law making breakfast. I laughed.

"What,didn't think I could cook"?,asked Julie.

"Um I know you can't ",I said.

"Hm then no breakfast for you then",she said.

"Oh come on I was just joking",I emphasized.

"Hey j you want a bite"?,asked bill.

A bite,oh no.

"What bite"?,I questioned.

"Of the chicken, douchebag",he said.

"Oh yea,give it here",I said.

I took the chicken and took a big bite.

"My word his mouth is very big",said Lydia laughing causing everyone to do the same.

"Well that's the way I like it".

"So um j,you plan on going anywhere today"?,asked bill.

"Well I don't know yet,how about you"?,I asked.

"Nah,me and Lydia will just stay here and chill while having the whole house to ourselves",he said.


"I'm going over Tyler",I said walking through the front door.

I walked over to Tyler's and as usual ,the door open by itself.

"Hey Tyler"I shouted.

"He's in his room",said Miss Myers blowing me a kiss.

I went up there to see him with a wizard hat and practising spells.

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