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"J save her from him, he's the killer", shouted Julie.

"What are you talking about", I asked.

"Our daughter , Isabella", she said.

"But we don't hav-"I got cut off.

"Yes we do try and remember her J, remember our daughter", she said drawing her last breath.

Then she was gone.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", I shouted.

I got up screaming as Bill came in.

"What's the problem"?, he asked.

"Bad dream",I said.

He started laughing.

"Even I have bad dreams and never get up screaming",he said.

"Well it didn't felt like a dream",I said.

"Then what did it felt like"?,he asked.

"It felt more like a vision",I said.


"Now who can tell me the square root of 144"?, asked Mr. Bullock.

"12", I shouted.

"That's correct", he said.

Maths is one of the subjects which I hate although I know how to do it. I looked at the clock and prayed for the bell. It rang suddenly. People ran out of their class towards the cafeteria. I went to my locker and then he started talking to me again.

"Well,well not bad for a first timer".

"What the f*ck do you want"?.

"I just want to say congrats for doing the job for us, but sorry we had to leave you like that".

"What job"?

"For killing for us".

"How did you do it, make me lose control"?.

"I'm the Alpha, I can make you do anything I want".

"Well don't make me do anything stupid in front of my friends".

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