01- meeting the idiot

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    G i a

    Today's the day I finally get to meet my step dad's son Joey.

   I've been waiting to meet him for 2 months.

  Why didn't I meet him right when my stepdad moved in you ask?

Well, my stepdad also known as James told me Joey was in juvenile because he hit a guy in a laundry mat.

   Yeah crazy, but at least today I get to meet the guy.

  "Gia!" My mom called my name from down stairs.

  "Coming mom!" I yelled back running down the stairs jumping off the last step.

  I looked at the front door and saw my step dad opening it.

  "Gia.. Meet Joey." My stepdad said revealing a pretty styled boy.

   He had a toothpick in his mouth, some shades, a t-shirt and some jeans.

   He also had a luggage next to him.
He pulled his sunglasses down and looked me up and down until he finally said,
"Uh hey what's up." He said taking his hand out to shake mine.

   "Hey!" I said back shaking his hand.
"I'm Gi-" I started but was cut off.
"I know." He said my dad walked away signaling us to talk or 'bond'.

    But instead Joey took his luggage shut the door and walked right past me before I could say I word.

   I followed him upstairs and showed him his room.

   He nodded and got inside,
I stood by the doorway.

   "Um can I help you?!" Joey said rudely.
"Excuse me?" I said with a little sass.

   He rolled his eyes and said,
"Look we aren't friends okay? I'm extremely upset my dad married your mom right after my mom left, and getting a dumb step sister so just leave."

   "Wow great manners Joey." I spat at him and walked away.

    What a jerk.

    J o e y

As Gia left I examined the room and plopped down on my bed and went on my phone.

   I decided to text my girlfriend Skylar,

(Bold-Joey Not Bold-Skylar)

Joey-Hey Babe
Skylar-Hey babe.
Joey-Wanna come over and have fun 😏❤️
Skylar- Mmm 😏 Sure I'll be right over.

    Honestly I was super annoyed from looking at Gia.

  I can't believe my dad married a woman in less than a 2 years after my moms death.


  I decided to go on Instagram and lurk my fans.

   I liked a few pictures and smiled, I love them.

   I then kept scrolling until I stumbled across Gia's Instagram.

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now