C h a p t e r S i x t e e n

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  Third person POV

He looked at the blade running his finger along the edges.

   Noticing the pointy edges and how they hurt to press on.

     "JOEY! Come on Let's go." A girl screams.

   He looks at the blade as if he was going to deal with it late,

    Before he leaves he cuts his finger and sucks on the blood.

   He later joined the girl interlocking hands with her and flinched once and a while when she accidentally touched his finger.

    G i a

  I don't know where Joey is anymore.

    I looked at social media and cried,

As soon as me and Hunter said we were dating again I've been getting so much hate.

    Hunter's not with me and I promised him it wouldn't get to me but,

    I walked to the bathroom and got pills,

I took 5 instead of 1, they were sleeping pills.

   I then went back to my bed and texted Hunter just in case he freaked out.

  me: I love you. Taking a nap.

   I then felt my eyes all droopy and collapsed on the bed.

  (a/n: sorry for not update I'm so busy and I feel like this book is shitty)

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now