C h a p t e r E i g h t

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G i a

   "J-Joey I was ... I was kidding." I said yanking my hands out of his hands.

     He stood there shocked,


    "Look my friend called me on a muted FaceTime and dared me to tell you I like you." I spat.

   "Gia... Why... What the actual fuck is wrong with you." He said blankly.

    "Joey I'm sorry I didn't know you-" I said before being caught off.

    "No it's fucking whatever Gia just fucking whatever." Joey said before storming out.

     I rolled my eyes and jumped out the window onto the roof.

    "He's so fucking complicated." I said to myself.

     I decided to go back inside and get my bathing suit to go to Hunter's house and ask if we could go to the beach.

   But wait he's at school.

  I thought before sadly sitting back down on the roof.

     I texted him asking where he was.

  G- Hunter where are u?

  H-I'm at home, why?
  G- can we go to the beach today? 💗
H- sure I'll be over in 10.
G- actually I'll go to yours, in 10 because Joey's been acting like a douche.

H- Okay see you later babe 💓

   I left him on read and got inside.

      I assumed Joey was downstairs or something and I got in my room.

    I grabbed my light pink bikini and put my hair into a messy top bun.

   Then I slipped on some flip flops and took my phone.

   It was always hot where I lived so it was perfect to go to the beach anytime.

    I made my way to Hunter's house in excitement trying to forget everything.



       I knocked on Hunter's door and it opened.

    I saw Hunter and hugged.

     "Hey babe." He said kissing my cheek.

   "Let's go!" I said running down the sidewalk.

   Hunter laughed, closed the door and followed.


   Once we were at the beach we laid down on the sand and talked.

   "This is boring let's go to the water!" Hunter whined.

   "Stop being a baby. I wanna enjoy the view!" I groaned.

     "I'll carry you?" He reasoned.

   I rolled my eyes,


     "Wait, excuse me ma'am can you take a picture of me and my girlfriend?" Hunter said walking up to a middle aged women.

   She nodded her head and took Hunter's phone.

   Hunter carrier me and kept slowly walking towards the water as I rested my head against his shoulder.

   "Got it, you guys are an adorable couple!" She said giving Hunter his phone.

   "Thanks ma'am." Hunter smiled and so did.

   H u n t e r

   I went on Instagram and posted the picture.

  (a/n: pretend it's Hunter and Gia)

@/hunterrowland: So lucky to have you babe ❤️ @/giajenerson  (a/n: fake username ^)

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@/hunterrowland: So lucky to have you babe ❤️ @/giajenerson
(a/n: fake username ^)

@/bootyforhunta: mom and dad omg EJFNENDKJDNE

@/huntersfav: still kinda annoyed about this whole situation.

@/hunters.sprinkle: if you were a true fan you would still support them 😉 @/huntersfav

hunterrowland followed.  hunters.sprinkle


   J o e y

I scrolled through Instagram until I came across a picture of Hunter and Gia.

   I tensed up and threw my phone across the room.

    "Why can't she realize I hate when she with him." I said to myself.

    "I fucking love you Gia, I really do." I said hitting the wall.

   I love her.

    (a/n: okay I'm announcing the winners of the character thing tomorrow love you.)

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now