C h a p t e r S i x

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G i a

  It's 7 o'clock in the morning and Hunter was sleeping.

    I decided it was time to go home because my parents were probably worried sick.

   Also I'm wondering what Joey is doing.

   I'm still kinda in shock about yesterday.

I was walking up to my front door until I heard the door knob unlocking.

I thought it was one of my parents so I hid in a bush.

The door opened revealing..


Not only Joey but he was with some girl. She wasn't Skylar, for sure.

He seemed really happy around her and for some reason I felt a little jealous.

Gia that's your step brother, plus you have Hunter.

Once they finally got past me I quickly made my way inside and locked the door.

It was a Sunday morning and there was a note on my kitchen counter from my parents.

It read,

' Gia and Joey me and your father wanted to spend some time together so Joey's in charge and we are coming home at 11:30. Have fun, no funny business.

Mom and Dad <3'

Great, Joey's in charge.

Well Joey isn't even here, wow what a great babysitter I have.

I decided to go on Netflix and watch pretty little liars instead of worrying about where Joey was going or when he was coming home or he was with.


J o e y

I'm hanging out with the girl that gave me her number at school.

I dumped Skylar and I'm trying to get my mind off Gia.

Maybe this girl will help.....


      "So what's your favorite thing to do?" She asked me all of a sudden.

    "Um well, I like broadcasting and make YouTube videos." I said shrugging trying not to make it a big deal.

     "Oh cool, how many viewers you got?" She asked assuming I just started social media.

    "I'm well I have like 600,000." I said.

     Her eyes widened,

  "Your famous Joey?!"

     "Um well yeah." I replied.

       "Oh my gosh! Do you make money?!" She asked me.

     "Well sometimes but I don't do it for money I do it because I love it." I explained.

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now