C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n

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J o e y

   It's been 1 week and everything is back to normal.
    Me and Gia are becoming closer and her and Hunter have been hanging out less.

     She's in her room now,

   G i a

I really miss Hunter and I feel terrible for never hanging out with him,

    I also feel guilty about the kiss I shared with Joey.

    I really love Hunter and I think today's the day we hang out again.

     G- Hey babe 💘
          read 2:25 pm

   I waited for a response.

     5 minutes passed and nothing.

  G- Hunter?

G- Hunter I know your reading these!

   I decided to go to his house and see what was going on.

    I crossed the street and rang the door bell.

      The door opened and...

    Brandon appeared,

    "Oh hey Brando! Where's Hunter?" I asked,

    "Well he's been in his room crying for the past few days thinking you broke up with him." Brandon said.

    "Oh god, I'm gonna go see him." I said.

     Brandon nodded and closed the door as I walked up the stairs.

    I knocked on Hunter's door.

     "Go away whoever it is!" I heard Hunter's croaky sore voice.

       "It's me." I hesitantly spoke.


     I opened the door and saw a swollen eyed, tired, teary, broken, Hunter surrounded by tissues.

     "Hunter I'm sorry.." I said.

   He wiped a tear off his face.

     "What? That your busy being incest with your brother?!" He spat at me.

     "Why would you ever think that?!" I yelled.

     "Oh I don't know? Do you really think I'm stupid Gia? I see the way you act around him." He said a little more upset now.

     "I can't believe you." I said in disbelief.

   "Well believe it, Fucking disgusting." He shot.

     Tears swelled up in my eyes.

   "You now what Hunter, goodbye. Your such a fucking jerk anyways. Your the pervert dating a fucking 13 year old. Im through!" I screamed running out.

      "WAIT!" I heard Hunter yell.

    I ignored him I really don't need his bullshit right now.

    I ran home, to my room and slammed the door.

      I went on my phone and saw Joey's Instagram post

  (a/n: I look shitty.)

 @/thejoeybirlem: bestfriend 😛 @/yafavgia

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@/thejoeybirlem: bestfriend 😛

@/yafavgia: 😛💘
@/joeysbae: goals

@/hunterandgia: umm. @/hunterrowland

    I kinda felt guilty about Hunter so I decided to text him,

   G- Hunter I'm sorry.

  H- no it's okay, I shouldn't have lashed on you like that.

G- I think breaking up is for our own good Hunter.

H- yeah I think so too
G- well can we at least be friends?
H- of course boo!
G- let's address everyone about the situation 😊
H- Alright. I love you.

G- love you too

    I posted a picture of me and Hunter


 @/yafavgia: hey guys so basically me and Hunter broke up, it was for the greater good

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@/yafavgia: hey guys so basically me and Hunter broke up, it was for the greater good. We both still love each other dearly and are still friends. We broke up due to personal reasons, and no we didn't cheat on each other. Anyway love you guys and thanks for understanding 💘 @/hunterrowland

    (a/n: haha lol I suck thanks for 10k babes! I'll update a longer chapter tomorrow. )

   Instagram- @/huntas.babe

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now