C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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J o e y

Me and Gia were just chilling until she froze in her tracks.

  G i a

I saw...

   My ex,
(a/n: y'all thought Hunter was cheating HAHA SIKE)

   And the worst part of all he was kissing my old school bully.

    Shock blasted over me.

  How could he be so careless,

  I felt so broken, everything was as if time stopped for a while.

     A hot tear ran down my cheek.

That's when I heard my name being called,

    That's when time went back to normal and I looked at the person who was calling my name,


   Before he could say anything I ran.

  I ran faster than I had ever before.

    I just needed to get out of there quick.

   Before I could even past Joey I bumped into Hunter,

   Great the last person i wanna see in this situation.

    He smiled but then it quickly turned to worry.

    "Gia are you okay?" He asked concerned,

  "Yeah I'm fine I just fell that's all." I smiled.

    "Oh okay, I brought you flowers." He said to me revealing roses.

     "Awe thanks but you didn't have to."
I said,

    "Of course I had to, my favorite person in the worlds special day is today." He said kissing my cheek.

   "I love you." I said,
"Me too." He said hugging me into a tight embrace.

    "I dunno bout y'all but I'm going on the swings." Joey said all sassy.

   I laughed that's what I loved about him.


  Joey ran to the swings and Hunter and I  followed.

    "GIA PUSH ME!" Joey screamed.


   He laughed and rocked back and forth as Hunter was on the side on his phone.

   He's always on it, wonder why?

  Eh, it's probably his fans.

   "I gotta go, love you!" Hunter said kissing my head and running off.

    Where's this boy going? On my birthday too.

    "Where's he going?" Joey said getting off the swings.

    "I'm asking myself the same thing." I replied.


   After a long day at the park I walked home with Joey.

   J o e y

The truth is Hunter and I planned a surprise party for Gia and he had to go set it up.



  We finally arrived and Gia opened the door as the light flickered off and a group of people yelled,


   Gia was took off guard and then laughed,

    "Oh my god! Thanks guys!"
  G i a

  I smiled at everyone and closed the door and went in the party.

    Everything was awesome except..
  "Where's Hunter?" I said aloud.

   "Right here." Hunter said hugging me.

    I jumped and turned around seeing Hunter.

  "Awe you planned all of this!" I said blushing.

   "Actually it was Joey." He said pointed at Joey behind me.

   I turned around and grinned a big grin and hugged him.

      "Thanks Joey." I whispered in his ear.

   "No problem." He said back.

      I let go of him and smiled.

    For some reason I felt something when I hugged Joey.

   I don't know what it was but it was something.



     The party was finally over and it was 12:04 at night which meant my birthday was over.

   I'm officially thirteen and tired,

    Well I'm going to bed.

I said goodbye to Hunter and goodnight to Joey.

    I then went under the cover and slept a long great sleep.

  (a/n: thanks for 7k even though I suck!)

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now