C h a p t e r F o u r

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J o e y

Gia's been hanging out with Hunter a lot lately. In fact their hanging out right now in her room.

I had the sudden urge to check on them again.

This is the seventh time,
Siblings gotta look out for each other duh.

"How's it going in here." I said opening the door.

"We're fine for the tenth time Joey gosh." Gia spat at me.

    I closed the door and rolled my eyes,

     I try to be nice.

    G i a

  "Hunter your so sweet." I said blushing.

     "Hey wanna make a musically?" He asked me.

  "Sure!" I replied,

    We did the musically and then looked in each other's eyes.

    He had such nice green eyes. Every rim a different shade all the way to hazel.

   The rays of the sun reflected on it making them stand out even more than usual.

     H u n t e r

  Most people would say Gia's eyes are just brown. To me they are more than just a color,
   She may not have green, hazel, or blue eyes.

  But she looks fucking stunning.

  "Hunter your 15 right?" She asked softly.

     "Yeah, your 12?" I said.

   "Uh yeah.." She tensed.

   "Gia who cares about the age difference, I love you and that's all that matters babe." I said biting my lip.

    "You love me?" She said shocked at my words.
  "I've always had, ever since we met I felt like we had a connection." I said interlocking our hands together.

    "Wow.. I feel so safe when your around and I just.. I love you to Hunter." She smiled at me and my face lit up.

    I leaned in slowly and she did as well.

  I kissed her lips softly and slowly.

     Our heads tilted and our lips moved in sync.

    After a while we separated.

     "Gia will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with hope in my eyes

   "Of course babe." She smiled.

     "Hunter, that was my first kiss.." She said.

   I smiled,

   "It was mine too. It was the best."

     J o e y

  Hunter finally left and Gia was in her room.

   I got up and opened her door.

  "Gia I need to talk to you." I said rudely.

    "Um what is it?" She said innocently.

       "Are you and Hunter dating?" I asked.

  "Yeah why?" She said as my heart broke into a million pieces.

     "Oh, okay." I said trying not to show the hurt in my voice.

   I walked out the door shutting it behind me.

      I just laid there on my bed thinking about everything.

     "It's too late now."


   Thanks for 400 reads loves,

    Sorry for the short chapter but tomorrow I'll be writing a long one with a lot of drama so be ready!


my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now