02-basic parties

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J o e y

I was walking home with Gia and I was told that Hunter was hosting a party and he wanted me to bring Gia.

"Gia wanna go to a party tonight?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Who's?" She replied.

"My friend Hunter's." I said scratching the back of my head.

She blushed a little bit,
"He's cute. Sure I'll go." She said.

I tensed a little but then nodded my head.

G i a

   Im finally home and I can't wait to go to Hunter's party.

   I mean he's super cute and I need to find choose a perfect outfit to wear.

    I looked through my closet and settled on a light pink loose crop top and some light blue skinny ripped shorts.

   I then put on white nikes and went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

    I straightened my long hair and applied a liquid lipstick by Kylie and mascara.

    I filled in my eyebrows as well and did a few finishing touches.

    "Perfect." I said to myself as I opened the door and walked downstairs.

    I saw Joey with a black t-shirt some joggers and Jordans.

    "Let's go!" I said excitingly he looked up at me and his jaw dropped.

   He closed his mouth quickly and we were off.



   We were at Hunter's house and I knocked on the door.

    Hunter opened it in seconds and looked at me.

    "Hey cutie!" He said as I blushed.

   "Sup Joey!" He said and I looked over at Joey.

   He looked a little uncomfortable but I just ignored it. I wanna have fun!

    Hunter grabbed my hand and held my waist.

    "This way love." He said,

  He's so sweet like oh my gosh

   Joey followed behind us,

    There was a circle with people I already knew.

   There was,

   Blake, Ariel,Loren,Ari,Brandon,Mark, and

  oh my god!

  "WESTON!" I said hugging him.


my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now