C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

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  H u n t e r

  I waited for my girlfriend Andrea to come upstairs to my room.

      The door swinged open revealing her in a crop top and sweatpants.

    She didn't apply that much makeup and didn't really do her hair often, it was kinda always in a bun.

    But I like girls like that... Like Gia.

     "Hey Hunter!" She said with her cheeky smile.

    "Hey baby girl." I said kissing her cheek.

   I honestly just kissed Gia... I feel so guilty,

  G i a

  I don't think Hunter noticed that I was still at the window.

   I watched secretly,

    It hurt me everytime he hugged and kissed her,

   Or called her babygirl.

    That's supposed to be me... Not her.
She then left I guess because he took his shirt of and went into his bed.

    I jumped back in and went to him.

    "If you love me... Tell me.. If you need me, show me... If you want me.. Be with me." I said startling him a little bit.

   "You think it's that easy don't you." He whispered.

   A tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

      "If you really loved me it would be." I muttered under my bed.

   "I moved on... You just made it harder to go past everything, you come back and expect me to just forget everything you did? To just love you again? I almost did it, I almost forgot about this. Why are you even here? Go to Joey. He's the one you want after all. Why are you doing this to me?!" He spat at me.

    "Doing what?! Doing exactly what Hunter!" I raised my voice.

  "Oh I don't know? Coming back here.. Doing that one my floor! Kissing me?!" He yelled.

     Tears streamed down my cheeks.

   "Why? I thought you still cared." I said hopelessly.

   "I do, I really do. It's just so damn hard."

   "What's so damn hard about getting back together Hunter!" I said crying.

   "I have a fucking girlfriend Gia, have you noticed that?!" He yelled.

    "I don't give a fuck Hunter! If you really loved me you would leave that bitch!" I screamed.

    "Don't call her fucking bitch.. The only bitch here is you!" He yelled.

    I fell to the floor crying,

    His eyes softened.

     "You're 13... That what I meant, I - I - I didn't mean it Gia, I'm I'm sorry." He said shakily.

    "I'm not fucking 13." I said instantly regretting it.

    "What?" He said confused.

     " I'm 15 Hunter.. I've been lying to everyone. My parents told me... I'm adopted, and they recently told me the truth that I was 15... They kept it all a secret making me believe I was 12. I never celebrated a birthday.... Not one, I always wondered why but never asked or else my mom would get angry. I'm not 13." I said in between sobs.

       I felt to arms wrap around my body and my chin being lifted.

    "I'm sorry." Hunter said.

      Before I could say anything he connected his lips with mine.

    His warm, soft lips made chills go down my spine.

    It was a clean kiss, just a peck.

    "Gia... Can we just forget everything and get back together?" Hunter said.

    "I would love too." I smiled through the pain.

     "I really wanna have a clean relationship... One where there's no sex..." Hunter said.

   "You're not a virgin?" I said shocked.

  "No I am it's just every girl I dated wanted to." He said.

   I nodded,

    "I'm so happy to be with you again babe." He said quietly.

   "Me too." I whispered in his ear.


my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now