C h a p t e r F i v e

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     J o e y

  I can't take this anymore.

     My feelings are out of control,
   I don't like Skylar.

      I like Gia.


      G i a

    "Hunter." I said to myself.

   I really love him.

  Joey's acting strange today. Once I told him about Hunter I expected him to be happy for me.

    But instead he looked disappointed.
He's been in his room all day long.

      A matter a fact I'm gonna go check on him.

   I slowly opened the door revealing Joey on his phone.

     "Joey?" I whispered catching his attention.

   "Oh it's you.. What do you want?" He said with pain in his voice.

     "Um I was checking on you... What's wrong Joey you've been here all day ever since I told you me and Hunter started dating." I said closing the door behind me.

    He looked at me and sighed.

     "Gia come.. Sit with me."

   I plopped down on his bed and waited for words to come out of his mouth.

    "Me and Skylar.. Are just not working out." He said.

    I nodded my head,

   "And I don't think I like her anymore.. I like someone else but j don't know how I'm gonna tell her I like her." He said his voice a little shaky.

    "It's simple, just be you and tell her Joey." I smiled.

      He shook his head in frustration.

  "Gia you don't understand. If I tell her it will ruin everything, we can't even date!" He said upset.

    "Why not? You can date her just break up with Skylar." I sad confused.

    He got up and slammed the door behind him.

    Um okay then.

       "Joey!" I said running after him.

    I found him in the living room holding his head in his hands.

    "Joey, just talk to me I can help you with this girl you like!" I said trying to stay calm.

   "You can't!" He said.

   "Why not?!" I said getting impatient.

      "BECAUSE ITS YOU GIA! I WANT YOU, I DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU. YOUR ON MY MIND 24/7! I fucking love you." He yelled.

    "Joey I.. I." I stuttered.

      He took my hands and put them in his.

    "Please can you just date me?" He said with hope in his eyes.

    I separated our hands,

    "Joey I just.. I'm sorry I can't." I said running out the front door.

     I heard Joey calling my name but I didn't turn around I just needed to be away from him.

     His voice faded as I made my way to Hunter's house.

     I just need to be with him the most right now.

      I rang the doorbell.

  "Hey babe." He said pulling me into a hug.

   "Hey!" I said smiling at him.



       "You know it's getting late." He said looking at the clock.

    "Um.. Can I sleep over?" I asked Hunter.

"Sure.. Wanna broadcast?" He asked me.

    "Oh right, we never told your supporters we were dating." I said.

    He nodded his head and smirked.

      "I think it's the perfect time love."
  Hunter said positioning his phone.



     "And so we're dating!" Hunter said hugging me.

     "Yes yes I know huge age difference but guys. I love her that's all that matters!" He said reading the comments.

     "Oh my god yay!" I said jumping up and down.

     Hunter looked at me in confusion.

   "Oh sorry I just beat a level in best fiends."

      He rolled his eyes,

     I laughed,

       Hunter's such a cutie....

    Except he isn't the only guy that loves me...


     J o e y

   The words I blew it.

    Replayed in my head.

        Im such an idiot. How could I let myself fall in love with my step sister.

    Okay guys I'm sorry I legit wrote this in the car I have no time but AYE 500 READS DIDNEKMDD ILY SJXNEJJSDNJWNS

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now