C h a p t e r N i n e

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G i a

At the moment I was at home showered and in my bed chilling.

I decided to post an old picture of me and Hunter.

   @/giajenerson: I'll never stop loving your annoying ass 💓 @/hunterrowland

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   @/giajenerson: I'll never stop loving your annoying ass 💓

   @/hunterrowland: HEY! ❤️

  @/giajenerson: love you too b

@/giaxhunter: fav couple at the moment ❤️

@/giajenerson: love you ❤️                     @/giaxhunter

@/thejoeybirlem: Get your ass here now.

    My eyes widened at the comment,

     I slowly got up and made my way to Joey's room.

     I opened the door and saw Joey there.

  Before I opened my mouth he hugged me,

   "I'm sorry." He was all he said.

   "I'm sorry too..." I said a little worried,

    "Don't be, I was the one acting like an asshole." He said to me.

   "Yeah but I started it." I said looking at him.

    "It's my fault for responding like that." He argued.

    "No it's n-" I said before he shushed me.

       "I'm just sorry okay?" He said and I nodded.

     "Look our relationship started off on the wrong foot and I just wanna... Maybe get along?" He asked.

    "Sure! Why don't we go somewhere tonight." I suggested.

   "How about fro-yo!" He said excited.

    "Oh my gosh, I LOVE FRO-YO!" I screamed.

   "Well then it's settled, at 7?" He said smiling.

   "YUP!" I said jumping.

   He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair.

    I gotta admit he's cute when he's happy.

  I walked out of my room and went on my phone.

   I looked through my direct messages and stumbled across a specific one.

It was from my old friend Hanna.

@/hannaimtihaaz: hey how you been?

@/giajenerson: great, hbu?

@/hannaimtihaaz: I've been okay, I really miss you though.
@/giajenerson: same.. How about we hang out tomorrow!
@/hannaimtihaaz: Omg we should! Can I bring Beth?

@/giajenerson: yes! I missed her too, let's talk more about this tomorrow!

@/hannaimtihaaz: okay! Here's Bethany's Instagram by the way is @/itsbethany

@/hannaimtihaaz: Okay bye love ya!
@/giajenerson: bye!

   If you didn't know Hanna, Bethany, and I were really good friends but I guess we drifted apart after Bethany And Hanna moved schools.

    (a/n: Bethany-@joeybirlemisbae Hanna-@basicallyhbr)

   I looked at the time and realized it was 6:30 so I went to the bathroom and got ready.

    I put on some joggers and a regular t-shirt that said lazy

    I put on some yeezys and went to Joey's room.

    He had a tshirt and some and jeans on,

  It was time to go.


    We met some fans at the fro-yo place as we sat down with our frozen yogurt.

    They took pictures with Joey and I was expecting them not to take them with me but then one of them looked at me and said,

   "Your Hunter Rowlands girlfriend! Can we take a photo?" She asked politely.

   "Of course love."  I responded standing next to her as her friend snapped the photo.

   "So what are you doing here with Joey?"

   She asked me,

  "Just personal stuff." I said trying not alarm her.

    She nodded and we said our goodbyes and she left.

   "Now time to dive in this ice cream."

   Joey said and I laughed.

     He stuffed ice cream in his mouth as the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile as ice cream dripped down his chin.

   He wiped it off and laughed.

   I love his laugh.

   I finally started eating mine as I admired Joey's persona.

    I took in every detail, every hair on his head that fell effortlessly in place.

   His green eyes that I got lost in every time I looked in them long enough.

     He's a cute kid.

   "Earth to Gia?" Joey said snapping me out of my trance.

    "Oh sorry what." I said.

     "Take a picture it lasts longer." He said throwing out his ice cream and so did I.

    We were walking out and I said,

    "Shut up Birlem."

    He rolled his eyes and laughed his cute little laugh.

   "Whatever you say Jenerson."

  (a/n: new book is coming soon! thanks for 3k I love you guys)

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now