C h a p t e r S e v e n

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  J o e y

  Today it's Monday and I really don't feel like school so I'm ditching.

     How do I ditch you ask?

   It's simple actually...

     You just tell your parents your going to school,

    Walk out the front door and climb up the roof and go in your room window and wait for them to go to work.

   (a/n: I legit got that from the movie expelled with Cameron Dallas in it)

   "Bye dad bye um... Mom?" I said walking out the door.

    I saw Gia making her way to school and I grabbed her.

    I didn't wanna be home all alone.

   "Joey what the hell?!" She said.

     "Come lets ditch." I said.
"Okay no." She said being ignorant.

    "Gia please." I pouted.

     "Ugh. Fine.." She gave in.


We climbed up on the roof and jumped in my window.

We sat down on the bed catching our breaths and everything was showing smoothly..

Until we heard footsteps I went under the covers and so did Gia.

We were super close together and this probably wasn't the ideal place to hide.

The door opened,

"Joey really needs to clean his room when he comes back." Our dad said.

He then shut the door and went downstairs.

I got out of the covers and Gia bursted out laughing.

"Joey really needs to clean his room." She mimicked.

I rolled my eyes,

"So what are we gonna do here?" She asked me.

"I dunno." I replied.

"How about a..... Tickle fight!" She said tackling me.

"Gia no stop." I said laughing.

(a/n: just imagine Joey's laugh from the YouTube video from 'Jayler' when Tayler had to made Joey laugh with water in his mouth.)

I then jumped on top of her and she looked me in me eyes and blushed.

I smiled and hugged her.

"Joey.." She asked.

"Yeah?" I said getting of her.

"Who was that girl you were with yesterday?" She asked.

"Don't worry she's just a friend." I said defensively.

"Oh okay." She said with no emotion.

She then got on her phone to text Hunter I assumed.

I took a picture of her and posted it on Instagram.

Caption: ❤️..

I instantly got comments asking where Skylar was and if I was dating Gia and that she was pretty.

I really wish we were dating...

Then the weirdest thing happened.

"Joey.. I think I like like you too." She said.

I blushed and smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Well I don't know.. I just feel it."

Wasn't the answer I was really looking for.

"Maybe I can help you figure it out?" I said.

"How?" She said confused.

"Like this." I said grabbing her waist and kissing her lips softly.

She kissed me back.

This felt so wrong but so right at the same time.

All these thoughts racing through my head.

She pulled away.

"J-Joey i."

"I don't know about this." She said uneasy.

"Just trust me. It'll be alright." I said.

(an: okay guys so WE HIT 1k and I promised a surprise. So the surprise is that YALL CAN BE A CHARACTER IN THIS BOOK! I'll be picking. All you gotta do is comments the characters:

Eye color:
Hair color:
Relationship?: can be any younower or muser whatever etc.

Anyway it'll be due on Friday so get commenting!

my new stepbrother- j.b ✔️UNDER MAJOR EDITING Where stories live. Discover now